MALAWI: Catholic Youths adviced to Love and Pray for the Church

youths presenting gifts to the Bishop

The Catholic Youth in the country have been challenged to develop passion for the church by loving and praying for it and joining various vocations that exist in the church for them to participate actively in the missionary work of the church.

This was said by His Lordship, Rt. Rev. Peter Martin Musikuwa (DP) when he celebrated mass that marked the opening of National Celebration of the world day of prayers for vocations at Chikwawa Cathedral, during which the Catholics in the country joined the Catholic faithful in the world in praying for the vocations in the church and encouraging young people to join any vocation of their choice guided by prayer.

“This is an opportunity for you the youth to be helped to choose rightly a vocation in the church to live a life pleasing to God. Avoid following what the majority are doing, do what you feel is right in your heart guided by prayer. Discernment should help you realize what God wants with your lives, pray for yourselves, your parents and other people. This is what this day teaches you,” said Bishop Musikuwa.

He also urged the young people to work hard at school in order for them to become responsible citizen and Christians. During the event, Diocesan Pontifical Mission Societies Secretary, Fr. Ignantio Yohane also asked parents in the diocese and the country to support the youth on whatever vocation they choose to live and stop supporting only those who want to live a married life while discouraging those who want to become Priests, Nuns and brothers in the church. Making his remarks, National PMS Director, Fr. Vincent Mwakhwawa asked the youth to realize and know that the church loves them hence the special day to pray for them.

“Start living your missionary work in the church now, do not wait until when you grow into adults. This day encourages you to take leading roles in the church as leaders of today and not tomorrow, above all, discern with patience what you want to become in life guided by what the church teaches you and always know that the church loves you and it prays for you,” said Fr. Mwakhwawa.

Part of the students who attendedSpeaking on education and career guidance, Chief Executive Officer for Ned Bank, Mr. Paul Guta advised the young people to grow into responsible citizens of the nation and reliable Christians of the Catholic Church by pursuing their visions and achieving big goals in life.

“Set your personal vision while you are still young, be clear on what you want to achieve in life at this young age, remember as a man thinks so he is. Have big visions and associate with big minds and you will achieve big. Always remember that the beginning of a good career is a good foundation in education and therefore work hard at school,” Mr. Guta said.

This year’s Vocations Sunday was celebrated under the theme, Listening, Discerning and Living the Call of the Lord” from vocation Sunday message from His Holiness Pope Francis.   

By: Stella Zulu, ECM