MALAWI: Archbishop Msusa urges Youths to join Religious life

Most Rev. Thomas Msusa

Archbishop of Blantyre, Most Rev. Thomas Luke Msusa has called upon Catholic youths to join various vocations in the church. His Grace Mususa advised the youths to listen, discern and finally be ready to live the call through which God wants them to serve in the Catholic Church.

In his homily during mass to celebrated Vocations Sunday on 22nd April, 2018, at Mwanza Parish, the Archbishop urged the young people to be “good shepherds” to the people around them following the example of Christ who is a ‘Good Shepherd’.

“Today you must answer the call to priesthood, you must answer that call to be a Catholic nun, you must answer the call to brotherhood,” said Msusa.

Archbishop Msusa went on to ask the youths to be agents of development in the country. “Help the country to have good shepherds who are to help the country in bringing development. As a country we desperately need Good Shepherds both in Church and our society,” he said.

Concurring to Msusa, Dedza – East Parliamentarian Juliana Mlunguzi who was a Guest of Honor advised the youth to refrain from being used as tools of violence by politicians. She added that the youth must be strong in the practice of their faith especially now that they are receiving a junk of teachings that can easily sway them to lose their through the social media, the type that can make them lose their faith.

After the Mass, the youths had the chance to interact with and learn from Vocations Promoters of various congregations serving in the Archdiocese. They also had time to learn on how to choose right marriage partners.

Various social activities like drama, music and traditional dances spiced up the afternoon. The youths came from all the 8 deaneries of the Archdiocese of Blantyre.

By Luke Bisani, Malawi