TANZANIA: CARITAS organizes Training on Financial Resource Mobilization

CARITAS Tanzania has organized a four-day capacity building training for Caritas Directors, Accountants and the Development and Project Coordinators who are principle key players for diocesan projects from the six Catholic Dioceses in Tanzania namely: Geita, Songea, Mbeya, Njombe, Mbinga and Dodoma.

According to the Director of Human Dignity Directorate at Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC) Ms. Manka Kwai, the training which took place from 16 -19 April at Kurasini centre and funded by the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) aimed at building skills on financial resource mobilization, project write-ups and project management targeting specific dioceses which have gone through the needs Assessment.

Kwai revealed that the training was conducted after having completed the assessment by Caritas Tanzania in the dioceses adding that the evaluation conducted has shown that they have potential to create some other development projects that could boost financial sustainability.

“It is our hope that, after this training participants would have the capacity to meet the challenges of their diocese especially in the areas of project write-up skills, and budgeting,” she said.

Sarah Pelaji, TEC