KENYAN: Major Seminaries evaluate “Sharing the Word Program”

Rectors and Librarians from the Major Seminaries in Kenya gathered for a two-day meeting organized by the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) led by the National Director, Rev. Fr. Bonaventure Luchidio.
The meeting was to evaluate the progress of Sharing the Word Program in Kenya, a project under KOHA Program, sponsored by the society of St. Peter the Apostle and spearheaded by Rev. Fr. Lucas Brian, the PMS National Director Australia.

during their Meeting to Evaluate Progress of
Sharing the Word Program
Speaking to the participants, Fr. Luchidio said all the major seminaries have embarked on Sharing the Word program and it was important to evaluate the effectiveness of the program and also learn from each other.
“The idea of Sharing the Word Program is meant to digitise our libraries and make knowledge accessible for research and on flow of information for the good of the priests and the faithful. We aim at linking all our seminaries and make the books available for use from all spots,” said Fr. Luchidio.
The meeting which was held at the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family in Langata from 22nd to 24th February, brought together seven rectors and seven Librarians drawn from St. Augustine Major Seminary-Mabanga, St. Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary-Nairobi, Christ the King Major Seminary-Nyeri, St Mathias Mulumba Major Seminary-Tindinyo, St. Mary’s Major Seminary-Molo, St Joseph’s Major Seminary-Nairobi and Blessed Bakanja (AMECEA) Nairobi.
Sharing the Word is a project supported by PMS and spearheaded by PMS Australia. It was introduced to the Kenya seminaries in 2014, second country after Zambia, and later to Tanzania and now Myanmar.
The initiative is under the Society of St. Peter the Apostle, one of the Pontifical Mission Societies, which funds the formation and training of seminarians and novices. This project aims at electronically connecting computerised catalogues, online resources and enhancing online research for quality academic work.
KOHA is an open source Integrated Library System, used world-wide by public, school and special libraries. The name comes from a Māori term for a gift or donation.
By Catholic Mirror, KCCB