KENYA: Missio AACHEN Partners with AMECEA to Strengthen Small Christian Communities in Africa

Network Small Christian Communities in Africa (NSCCA) Steering Committee Members From Left: Rt. Rev. Method Kilaini,Auxiliary Bishop of the diocese of Bukoba in Tanzania, Sr. Dr. Josee Ngalula from Kinshasa- Democratic Republic of Congo, Dr Miriam Leidinger from Missio Aachen-Germany and Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Chimombo, Coordinator AMECEA Pastoral Department
A four member steering committee of the Network Small Christian Communities in Africa (NSCCA) met to plan for the upcoming meeting of the NSCCA scheduled for September this year in Nairobi Kenya.
A meeting held on 20th February, 2018 at aimed at St Theresa Training Center for the Sisters of the Donum Dei Missionary Family in Karen, Nairobi- Kenya aimed at creating space for sharing experiences and the best pastoral approaches for managing SCCs.
Furthermore, the committee is tasked to facilitate the exchange of information between different regions in Africa and beyond. At present Missio Aachen-Germany has established a special research desk to review the impact of SCCs on the church and how that can help to boost and strengthen the Church in Africa and subsequently Europe.
Having adopted SCCs as a pastoral priority as early as 1962, AMECEA Pastoral Department was earmarked to take the lead in strengthening the conferences and regions that are lagging behind in the promotion of SCCs. In this regard, getting up to date statistical data for SCCs, catholic Christians, families and youth that are still active or inactive within the region is a key component in the promotion of SCCs.
With the “Youth Synod“in mind, the committee members agreed to centre the upcoming NSCCA on the youth with the intention of working out strategies of attracting, maintaining and helping the youth to be evangelisers and to fellow youth with special reference to SCCs. In this regard, promotion of Youth Small Christian Communities was emphasized.

(NSCCA) Steering Committee Members
From Left: Rt. Rev. Method Kilaini,Auxiliary
Bishop of the diocese of Bukoba in Tanzania,
Sr. Dr. Josee Ngalula from Kinshasa-
Democratic Republic of Congo,
Dr Miriam Leidinger from Missio
Aachen-Germany and
Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Chimombo,
Coordinator AMECEA
Pastoral Department
To give Dr Miriam Leidenger a practical experience of how Youth Small Communities are conducted, a visit was made to Kenyatta University- Ruiri Campus, on the evening of Wednesday 21st February, 2018. It was a joint meeting which brought together close to 200 students from neighbouring campuses. The sharing was open and enriching. Among others students deliberated the Lenten Campaign theme for second Sunday of Lent which was on Reconciliation as instituted by the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) through the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission (CJPC). Another exciting experience was the interaction with the members of St Samuel Small Christian Community under St. Joseph Parish in the Catholic Archdiocese of Nyeri, central Kenya.
The steering committee comprised of Right Reverend Method Kilaini-Auxiliary Bishop of the diocese of Bukoba in Tanzania, Sr. Dr. Josee Ngalula from Kinshasa-Democratic Republic of Congo, Rev. Emmanuel Chimombo from AMECEA Pastoral Department, Nairobi-Kenya and Dr Miriam Leidinger from Missio Aachen-Germany.
By AMECEA Online News Correspondent