ETHIOPIA: Cardinal Berhaneyesus’ Statement – A Call for Peace in the Country

H.E. Berhaneyesus D. Cardinal Souraphiel, C.M
Message of H.E. Berhaneyesus D. Cardinal Souraphiel, C.M., Metropolitan Archbishop of Addis Ababa, President of CBCE and AMECEA Chairman, delivered at the Press Conference organized by the Inter-Religious Council of Ethiopia on 17th, February, 2018.
As much as we are proud of the development of our country, we are saddened by the recent unrest and conflicts taking place in our country. The loss of lives and loss of property take us back when we should be going forward. This is not good for our country. Taking this into consideration we as religious leaders have been engaged with political leaders in taking measures that would bring peace to our country.
We appreciate the pardoning and release of prisoners and the continued development efforts. However even though we are children of one God what is taking place is ethnic based divisions and spreading hate messages and this is very saddening and unacceptable for all religions. Especially for us Ethiopians this is very shameful as this is not our value. Any person who is born in Ethiopia is an Ethiopian and has equal dignity, this is our tradition. We respect and treasure the life of all people. In our religion we value the life of every single human being and thus any person that puts the life of another at harm is guilty of degrading the dignity of that person.
We are especially saddened because the effect of the hate messages being spread based on ethnic is not just for today but will pass onto generations. This is not what we should pass on to our children. As Ethiopians we should pass on to our children and grandchildren, our tradition of unity, love for one another, and collaboration. Not the legacy of hate and division, and evicting people from their land claiming that they do not belong their because of their ethnic background. This is disrespectful of Ethiopia and the dignity of being an Ethiopian, as this is not our tradition. Let us not disrespect our country. Our country is big and exemplary, others look to us. We are the seat of the African Union and there are more than 330 embassies in the city. Thus, we need to pause and think about what we are doing, we need to be strong in prayer and fasting and restore our dignity and respect for one another.
When I heard of the news of the resignation of the Prime Minister H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn, at first I was surprised and saddened but when I heard his explanation that this is his will and if his resignation can contribute to the betterment of his country and that he is glad to do so, I was happy and proud. Now we expect to have a new prime Minister and the next Prime Minister will come with the task of leading this great nation. Thus our people should bring forward their requests in a peaceful manner without harming lives and destroying property and work for a better understanding.
On 26th, February, 2018 we will commemorate the Ethiopian Martyrs day, these patriots fought for their country. They all fought and sacrificed their lives for the freedom of their country, they never considered their ethnic backgrounds when they martyred, and they fought for their country as one. Let us be careful that their sprits may not be disappointed in us.
I urge all Catholics to remember in this day the acts of the martyrs and strive in prayer and fasting and ask the Almighty God to bless and protect our country. Let us ask for intercession of Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mary to Pray for our country’s peace.
God Bless Ethiopia!
By AMECEA Online News Correspondent, Addis Ababa