KENYA: Make Kenya a great missionary country, Bishop Kihara urges PMC Coordinators

The Diocesan Pontifical Missionary Society (PMS) Directors and Holy Childhood Coordinators have been urged to examine the formation of Christians, children, PMC animators and PMU members in order to deepen their knowledge and understand better the structure and purpose of PMS so as to make Kenya a great missionary Country.
Addressing the participants during their Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Little Daughters of St. Joseph, Nairobi on 06th, February, 2018, The Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) Chairman for Commission for Missions Rt. Rev. Peter Kihara Kariuki, IMC said that, by virtue of their offices, they are called to be witnesses of faith, transmitters of catholic faith and traditions as well as animators of Christians especially the children.
“Through the Commission for Missions and Pontifical Mission Societies, let us inform the people of God of the life and needs of the Church,” he said
Bishop Kihara who acknowledged the good work being done by the PMS National Office as well as the Diocesan PMS offices, invite the officials to reflect on their roles as Directors of Missionary Societies and coordinators of Children apostolate and to reflect on the theme: Mission at the Heart of the Church.
He said that, the Catholic Church in Kenya through Local Ordinaries and collectively as KCCB places great importance in the missionary formation, communion, solidarity and cooperation as one family in Mission as it strives to grow towards self-reliance and sustainability.
Bishop Kihara urged the leaders to work hard in ensuring great collaboration, information flow, building of linkage and clear systems are developed in each diocese.
During the Annual General Meeting, the outgoing PMS National Director Rev. Fr. Celestino Bundi formally handed over the PMS office/ Commission for Missions to Rev. Fr. Boniventure Luchidio of Kakamega Diocese.
The one week meeting also saw the participants examine the situation of missionary animation in Kenya, share diocesan missionary experiences, receive pastoral and financial reports from the office, interact and learn.
“I believe this Annual General Meeting shall help us individually and collectively as a team to become better directors and coordinators. It shall energize us to become true instruments of transmitting God’s love and consolation to the persecuted, young and marginalized Churches,” Bishop Kihara said.
By Rose Achiego, Waumini Communications Ltd. KCCB