TANZANIA: Rt. Rev. Isaac Amani appointed Metropolitan Archbishop of Arusha

Most. Rev. Isaac Amani Massawe, Archbishop Elect, Arusha
The Holy Father Pope Francis on 27th December, 2017 appointed Rt. Rev. Isaac Amani Massawe, Metropolitan Archbishop of Arusha after he (the Holy Father) accepted resignation of the pastoral care of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Arusha, presented by Most Rev. Josaphat Louis Lebulu.
Formerly the Bishop of Moshi, Archbishop-Elect Isaac Amani becomes the fourth ordinary of the Archdiocese of Arusha whose Suffragan Dioceses include Mbulu, Moshi and Same.
Speaking to AMECEA Online News in Nairobi Very Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Lugonzo Secretary General of AMECEA has congratulated the newly appointed Metropolitan Archbishop of Arusha, Tanzania, Most Rev. Isaac Amani Massawe.
“On behalf of AMECEA Chairman H.E. Berhaneyesus Cardinal Souraphiel, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and on behalf of AMECEA Secretariat and indeed on my own behalf, I congratulate Archbishop-Elect of Arusha whom we have worked with closely during his tenure as Executive Board Member and chairman of Staffing Committee for AMECEA. We thank him for his service not only to the people of God in Arusha but in the whole AMECEA Region and we promise our prayers and support as he continues to serve in the Lord’s Vineyard,” Fr. Lugonzo said speaking to AMECEA Online News in Nairobi, Kenya.
He also thanked the Archbishop Emeritus of Arusha, Most Rev. Josaphat Lebulu saying, “We acknowledge his great service to the people of God not only in Arusha but also in the entire AMECEA Region where he served as chairman of AMECEA between 1995 and 2002. As he steps down to well deserving rest we pray that the good Lord may continue to shower him with blessings.”
Archbishop Isaac Amani Massawe, was born on 10th, June, 1951 in Mango, in the Catholic Diocese of Moshi. After his studies with his institutional structures, he was ordained a Priest on 29th, June, 1975.
On 21st, November, 2007 he was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to be the Bishop of Moshi and consecrated on 22nd, February, 2008 by Cardinal Polycarp Pengo, the Archbishop of Dar es Salaam.
By Pamela Adinda