ETHIOPIA: Social and Pastoral Catholic Agencies working in Ethiopia express solidarity in hosting 19th AMECEA Plenary Assembly

As Ethiopia is preparing to host the 19th AMECEA Plenary Assembly in July 13 – 23, 2018 Social and Pastoral Catholic Agencies working in Ethiopia pledge solidarity with the local Church in hosting the Plenary.

In a meeting held on October 13, 207 to discuss the preparation of the Plenary, Rev. Fr. Hagos Hayish, C.M., Secretary General of the Ethiopian Catholic Secretariat, presented the progress of the preparation to host more than 300 guests who are expected to attend the Plenary that is to take place in Addis Ababa. He also expressed the local Church’s hope that the plenary will be an event for all Catholic partners working in Ethiopia.

“We do not expect our partners working in Ethiopia to support us with just the financial needs but we want to work together in hosting our guests as one Catholic family serving the Church in Ethiopia,” he said.

Fr. Hayish explained that the plenary is an opportunity for the Catholic Church in Ethiopia to share Her rich teachings on various social issues locally and it is also an opportunity for AMECEA to contribute to peace building and promote human dignity at this time when the region is dealing with many challenges.

He also mentioned that all the Dioceses in Ethiopia are actively engaged in the preparation by mobilizing the faithful at Parish level.

During the meeting the partners expressed their delight to work with the local Church in organizing the plenary. The Catholic Agencies working in Ethiopia said that they will accompany the local Church throughout the preparation until the completion of the 19th AMECEA Plenary Assembly.

The partners in attendance were the country representatives of JRS Ethiopia, CAFOD/SCIAF/TROCAIRE, CNEWA, Caritas Belgium, Caritas Spain and VIS Ethiopia.


By Makeda Yohannes, National Communications Secretary, ECS