TANZANIA: AMECEA Bishops laud the exertion of Religious Women in the region

The Catholic Bishops of AMECEA have expressed their deep appreciation for the witness of the life and the work that religious Sisters do within the region despite the fact that most of their works go unnoticed and undocumented.

Giving Solidarity Message from AMECEA Chairman
In a solidarity message from the Chairman of AMECEA, H.E. Berhaneyesus D Cardinal Souraphiel, which was read on his behalf by AMECEA Secretary General Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Lugonzo on the occasion of the opening of the 17th Plenary Assembly the Association of Consecrated Women in Eastern and Central Africa (ACWEA), Cardinal Berhaneyesus said, “We acknowledge and recognize your contribution in the formation and education of children and youth, in alleviating the pain and suffering of many people and especially in the most rural areas, in your contribution to the promotion of Gospel values in touching the lives of many.”
“Dear Sisters, we as your shepherds appreciate very much your constant prayers which you offer for the Church,” read the message.
Cardinal Berhaneyesus who is also the Archbishop of Addis Ababa –Ethiopia said that as Sisters carry on with the mission of witnessing to the lord Jesus Christ the importance of solidarity and the need for deeper evangelization is very critical.
The Cardinal further said that for many years, our region has witnessed a lot of divisions, wars and suffering, it is therefore necessary that religious men and women, together with their shepherds take the lead in living that true solidarity so that the prayer of our Lord may come to reality “…so that they may be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me (Jn 17:2).”
By AMECEA Online News Reporter –Dar es Salaam