TANZANIA: ‘Seminarians should be Firm on their Priestly Vocation’, says Archbishop Ruzoka

Most Rev. Paul Ruzoka, Archbishop of Tabora
While presiding over a deaconate ordination ceremony at his Cathedral the Archbishop of Tabora Most Rev. Paul Ruzoka said that he is discouraged by seminarians who attempt to join priesthood and only serve for a short time then abandon the vocation.
“I don’t understand how a person would go through seminary life which is almost nine years of preparation and fail to make proper decision and discernment whether he has the vocation or not but wait until he gets all the blessings during ordination and only go to serve for short time and join lay vocation,” the Archbishop said.
He added that the emphasis on the seminarians to make proper decisions and know how to overcome todays challenges including digital limitations so that they can serve the church as Christ did is very important.
“God calls a person to serve him and in responding to His call we must respect Him first instead of denying Him. He calls us who are weak to serve strong creatures in a world that is full of challenges. So let there be proper decisions,” Arch bishop Ruzoka stressed.
Quoting Pope Pio XII the Archbishop insisted that, a priest is not ordained for his own benefits rather the church. He is not a priest so as to get allowance on what he does or richness but rather he is there for the benefit of the family of God.
“Priesthood is not a guessing life neither a vocation that one pops in and go. Neither it is a come and see time; this should happen during the first year after completing secondary school education but after completing the process. It is a Lifetime vocation that should be clearly respected,” he explained adding that it is a shame and very unfortunate for a priest to leaving the vocation because of world’s challenges some of which he knew so well before joining the seminary.
The Archbishop said that the church should not just ordain people who don’t have a true calling to the vocation simply because there is a shortage of priests in the Church.
“Let us be serious in training youth to become priests who real respect God’s calling and values of the church. Let us ordain those who real love the church and have made proper decisions of becoming priests,” he insisted.
By Fr. Thomas Mambo