SOUTH SUDAN: Pope Francis donates $ 500,000 to South Sudan

Rt. Rev. Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala Bishop of Tambura-Yambio Chairman of Sudan Catholic Bishops Conference
The Chairman of Sudan Catholic Bishops Conference (SCBC), Rt. Rev. Eduardo Hiiboro KUSSALA, has said that the donation of US $ 500,000 to South Sudan by the Holy Father Pope Francis will be used to provide relief food to the displaced citizens in the refugee camps, create extensive awareness on peace building and promote the dignity of the marginalized with the aim of realizing an everlasting development and peace.
Bishop Edwardo who is the Local Ordinary for the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio said this in a letter of appreciation to the Holy Father on behalf of the Bishops Conference, which he shared with AMECEA Online News.
He said that the great financial donation by the Holy Father to the Conference at this time of need has added to the millions of reasons why they must thank the Pope and that it is a grace of his pontificate.
“We want to thank you for the Love in action, kind attention, solidarity, enthusiasm, courage and support for the needy people of South Sudan that your Holiness has brought to the Papacy over the past years. As a body of Your Catholic Christians in South Sudan, Your Prayers, Your words of support, Your appeal for Peace, Your heartfelt intention to visit us, Your call for humanitarian intervention for us, and Your recent financial grant another God’s marvel at your holy hands! All these have given us a newfound confidence and strength in the upholding of the dignity of all human life, striving for holiness of life, peace-building activities and support of the neediest.” The letter read in parts.
Bishop Edwardo said that despite the postponement of papal pastoral visitation to South Sudan, the solidarity and commitment of the Holy Father for South Sudan has been felt through the generous support and donation to the country. He added that the Sudan Catholic Bishops Conference is optimistic about the Holy Father reconsidering his Papal pastoral visitation to grace the torn apart country of South Sudan.
Below is the copy of the letter sent to AMECEA Online News
- OL/0014/SCBC/017 25th June 2017
Your Holiness,
The ‘Door of Faith’ is always open for us, ushering us into the life of communion with God and offering entry in his Church.-Porta Fidei 1
On my behalf as the President of Sudan Catholic Bishops Conference (SCBC) and on behalf of my brother Bishops of the Sudan Catholic Bishops Conference, I wish to express my sincere heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to His Holiness Pope Francis for his whole hearted support to South Sudan.
Since Independence of South Sudan, the county has undergone many uncountable challenges; many people have lost their lives, many displaced and majority are seeking refuge in the neighbouring countries. It is evidenced that the country is not stable due to the on and off political instability that deprives the development of the country.
Despite the postponement of papal pastoral visitation to South Sudan, your solidarity and commitment for the country has been felt by your generous support and donation for the country. This donation will be very useful to provide relief food to the displaced citizens in the refugee camps, create extensive awareness on peace building and promote the dignity of the marginalized with the aim of realizing an everlasting development and peace.
We want to thank you for the Love in action, kind attention, solidarity, enthusiasm, courage and support for the needy people of South Sudan that your Holiness has brought to the papacy over the past years. As a body of Your Catholic Christians in South Sudan, Your Prayers, Your words of support, Your appeal for Peace, Your heartfelt intention to visit us, Your call for humanitarian intervention for us, and Your recent financial grant another God’s marvel at your holy hands! All these have given us a newfound confidence and strength in the upholding of the dignity of all human life, striving for holiness of life, peace-building activities, support of the most needy, etc.
Honestly on behalf of my brothers and sisters in in Sudan and South Sudan, your kind great financial donation to us this time of need has added to the millions of reasons we must thank You, dear Holy Father! And that is the grace of your pontificate.
It began in those exciting early days. Recall the foot-washing ceremony on Holy Thursday? What did the foot-washing represent? Perhaps Jesus’ awareness that those who lead must first of all serve. When you washed the feet of those youthful prisoners, boys and girls, Christians and non-Christians, you made it clear that Jesus’ message of ultimate self-sacrifice in the service of others is that it must have universal appeal.
Holy Father! You continue to set good example of how a prelate must approach politics when you have taken your valiant stand on some countries such; Central African Republic, Egypt, Islamic terrorists attacks on innocent lives, Syrian and my countries of Sudan and South Sudan interventions. You have very generously in a consistent approach informed the world that violence begets violence in your call for peace, which is not driven by partisan motives but by a desire to spare innocent lives, transcended narrow political boundaries. Your prayers are being heartfelt and I believe they are achieving tangible results already now.
The Church proclaims the sacredness of life and the dignity of the human person as the foundation of a moral and vision for society. We as the Sudan Catholic Bishops Conference, we are strongly committed to promote the principle of common good thus the value of human life and alleviate human sufferings caused by the various calamities (violence, famine, drought, unequal distribution of resource, political instability, insecurity and etc.)
I am humbled and honoured to acknowledge the whole hearted financial support of $ 500, 000 USD, our Holy Father, Pope Francis. May you be blessed and rewarded by our Heaven Father. The grant has been designated into the abled trustworthy hands of our beloved Missionaries (Comboni Missionaries, Solidarity with Sudan) who have remained us during the worst of ourselves but never abandoned us in the mission. This is a great encouragement and stipends for them to continue to support the poor of this nation. The accountability of this grant donation will surely arrive to Your Holiness when administered.
The Sudan Catholic Bishops Conference is optimistic that the Holy Father will surely reconsider the Papal pastoral visitation to grace the torn apart country of South Sudan.
We promise that we shall continue to pray for you always in our daily Prayers, we humbly invite your Holy Apostolic Blessing of Peace on us all in Sudan and South Sudan!
I invoke all God’s blessings and Wisdom upon you,
Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala
Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio &
President of Sudan Catholic Bishops’ Conference
By Pamela Adinda, AMECEA Online News