SOUTH SUDAN: Diplomatic Corps urge South Sudan to ensure journalists report freely

Heads of Missions in South Sudan urge the government to ensure that local and international journalists in the World’s youngest Nation are free to report without fear.
Heads of Missions including European Union Delegation, Troika, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland say international journalists are free to visit and report on developments in the Country
The Diplomats in a joint statement sent to the Catholic Radio Network (CRN) on Thursday, expressed deep concern about the exclusion of international journalists by the Government of South Sudan adding that, freedom of expression plays an essential role in making peace and stability in the Country.
The heads of mission reiterated that the restrictions applied to local and international journalists in South Sudan, indicate violation of international standards of freedom of expression.
The diplomats in another statement condemn the attack by armed opposition forces on a convoy on Juba–Nimule road on 8th, June, 2017.
They also pointed out that, The SPLA-IO statement taking responsibility for the attack demonstrates a callous disregard for civilian casualties.
The Heads of Mission strongly condemn all attacks upon unarmed civilians by the warring parties reiterating the call by IGAD for all factions to immediately stop the fighting.
Source: CRN