MALAWI: CCJP committed to promote Peace, Justice and integrity

The Archdiocese of Lilongwe through its advocacy and governance arm, Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) has underscored the need to have a clear guiding tool in order to effectively promote justice, peace and integrity of creation in Malawi.
CCJP Diocesan Secretary, Noel Mtonza said that, the only way to achieving this is by having a clear road map that would guide the Commission hence a strategic plan for the commission is crucial.

Archdiocese of Lilongwe
Mtonza said, his commission engaged stakeholders in Lilongwe to validate the five-year strategic plan which expires this year and at the same time draw a new one that will run from 2017 – 2022.
“Basically, we have invited all our stakeholders to develop a Specific, Measurable, Accurate, Realistic and Time bound (SMART) strategic plan so as to improve delivery of services, performance and impact in our operations.” Mtonza said.
He added that, the two-day consultative meeting was also aimed at reviewing the organizational vision, mission, goals, strategic objectives and expected outcomes hence agree on key strategies and interventions to achieve goals and address identified strategic issues.
“We believe to have done better in strategic pillars like the human dignity and access to justice, human rights and the rule of law, good governance and democracy and environmental justice or integrity of creation.” He said.
According to Mtonza, gender equality, women empowerment and social inclusion has been a cross-cutting issue in all their programs and as such it is a stand-alone pillar as well.
He however said, there is need to do more in ensuring that the natural principles of behaviour on Social Teachings of the Catholic Church are well known and appreciated and to also work closely with like-minded Organisations in their operations.

In his key note address ahead of the workshop, Lilongwe Archdiocese Vicar General Monsignor Francis Sonkhani said a healthy institution ought to re-examine its operations and take stock of its work at the same time.
“We should ask questions like, what have we learnt from our past? How do we want to move forward? Who will help us move forward and when should we move forward?” Asked Monsignor Sonkhani.
He said above all, the Commission should strive to implement its programs in line with the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church.
By Prince Henderson