ETHIOPIA: Deputy Secretary General of ECS appointed Apostolic Vicar of Hossana

Rev. Abba Seyoum Fransua
His Holiness Pope Francis has appointed Ethiopian Catholic Secretariat Deputy Secretary General as Apostolic Vicar of Hossana. The 47 year old Bishop Elect Rev. Fr. Seyoum Fransua was until his appointment serving as the National Pastoral Commission Director and PMS Ethiopia Director at the Secretariat. He also was the Vicar General of Apostolic Vicariate of Meki. Upon receiving the news the staff of the Secretariat expressed their joy and promised Fr. Seyoum their full support in his new Ministry.

“We are very pleased our colleague and friend Fr. Seyoum has been entrusted with this great task of being a shepherd to the faithful of Hossana, from the experience we have working with Bishop Elect Fr. Seyoum we know that he is just the right choice for the Episcopate,” said Rev. Fr. Hagos Hayish, C.M., ECS Secretary General. He also assured the Bishop Elect that the Secretariat will be behind him with full support.
Bishop Elect Fr. Seyoum on his part said that any person can confront and achieve any task entrusted to him/her if they trust in Christ. “Just like Our Lady said as “God’s will be done” and accepted the task of being the Mother of God, I accept the task of being a shepherd to the people in the Apostolic Vicariate of Hossana, to be successful I must always kneel before the Crucifix and request Our Lord for His guidance. Please I also beg you to support me with your prayers,” said Fr. Seyoum speaking to ECS staff during a thanks giving and celebratory program for him at the Secretariat.
Fr. Seyoum is a Diocesan Priest from the Apostolic Vicariate of Meki, he was born in 1970 in Arsi Zone, Weragu village and was educated at the Catholic School of Meki. Responding to his call to priesthood he joined the Fransiscan Capuchin Institute of Philosophy and Theology to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Theology. Fr. Seyoum went on to join the Pontifical Urbanian University in Rome to study Missiology making him the only Ethiopian Catholic Priest to hold a doctoral degree in Missiology.
Throughout the years, he served as a rector of the minor seminary in the Apostolic Vicariate of Meki, Assistant Parish priest of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Cathedral in Meki town, Deputy Secretary General of Meki Catholic Secretariat until he went to Rome for further studies. Upon completion of his Doctorate degree he joined the Ethiopian Catholic Secretariat in Addis Ababa in 2012 and continued to serve the Apostolic Vicariate of Meki as Vicar General.
In the meantime, H.Em. Cardinal Berhaneyesus, C.M., Metropolitan Archbishop of Addis Ababa, President of CBCE and AMECEA Chairman, H.Ex. Bishop Abraham, Apostolic Vicar Meki, H.Ex. Bishop Woldeghiorgis, Apostolic Vicar of Hosanna, all the Bishops, Diocesan Offices, Religious Superiors and the faithful are expressing their solidarity with Bishop Elect Rev. Fr. Seyoum assuring him of their prayers and sending in their good wishes.