ETHIOPIA: Cardinal calls on the faithful to pray for adequate rain

In his Easter message to all Catholic faithful and people of good will in Ethiopia, his Eminence Cardinal Berhaneyesus, C.M., Metropolitan Archbishop of Addis Ababa, President of CBCE and AMECEA Chairman said that Easter is a time for Christians to reflect on the light Our Lord has granted us and refrain ourselves from the path of sin and follow Him with faith and life witness.
His Eminence also reminded the faithful that God will always lead His children in the right way in their day to day life if we let him. “As King David tells us ‘I keep God before me always, for with him at my right hand, nothing can shake me’ (Ps 16:8) the Eternal God who is our protector will lead our path and we His children must give Him our hearts and our will completely,” he said.
The Cardinal emphasized that Easter is also a time to witness the ministry of charity entrusted to us by God. “As the Apostle James tells us in his book (Jm 2:15-17) we must look around at our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate than us and see what their needs are. Let us offer them love and spiritual and material support and help them carry their burden so that they can also celebrate Easter joyfully, only that way we can witness what our Lord has thought us in His Cross,” said Cardinal Berhaneyesus, C.M., in his message.
His Eminence recalled that currently there are people who are suffering because of droughts in different parts of the country and stressed that all people must support the government in the efforts to respond to the needs of the drought affected people. He also noted that a special prayer intention should be made during Easter to ask Our Lord to grant us rain where ever it is needed.