KENYA: Drought affected Dioceses receive Food Donations

The Dioceses of Marsabit and Isiolo have confirmed receipt of about 60 tons of assorted food stuff including drinking water donated by the faithful of the Archdiocese of Nairobi through Caritas office.
In an exclusive interview with the Bishop of Marsabit Rt. Rev. Peter Kihara, the Bishop expressed gratitude to the Christians who remembered their suffering brothers and sisters in drought hit areas.
Bishop Kihara said, the 29 tons of food is being distributed to the remotest parts of the diocese where the National and the Country government has not been able to reach.
“The government system of distributing has been through the towns where people converge to collect the food, but you see the whole Country is very vast, it is 78,000 square kilometres, some Parishes take us two days to reach using the mission car, so we have to take food to even those who live far in the Manyatta’s since they cannot come to the distribution centres established by the government.” He said.
Bishop Kihara continues to appeal to the faithful and people of good will to support the people of Marsabit since there is still dire need for food in the area due to the prolonged drought.
“Until the month of May and beginning of June when we expect the rains, we request for more food donations to help the people who are facing starvation and diseases.” He appealed
Speaking while receiving 30 tons of food and none food items in his diocese, Isiolo Bishop Anthony Ireri thanked the faithful of Archdiocese of Nairobi for their generous contribution in solidarity with the drought affected people of Isiolo.
Bishop Ireri said the food will be taken to the interior parts of Isiolo more than 100 km away adding that, these are the places where most of the pastoralists go in search of pasture and water.
The two Bishops prayed to donors that God may also meet their needs.
The donations weighing 80 tons and valued at KShs 8 Million an equivalent of US 80,000 received from the 111 parishes within the Archdiocese of Nairobi was flagged off by His Eminence John Cardinal Njue on Friday, 17th, March, 2017 at Mji wa Furaha, the National Youth Centre Nairobi.
In his speech, Cardinal Njue said they were very impressed that after the appeal to Christians in the Archdiocese of Nairobi, food and non-food items of such amount had been contributed within one month.
“The monetary value of all donated items stands at about Kshs 8 million. Along with the donations, funds amounting to Kshs 1.7 million were also received. Some donations have been dispatched directly to East Pokot in the Diocese of Nakuru,” He said.
Caritas Kenya through which the appeal is being made hopes to continue providing emergency relief to address the life-threatening hunger and help the affected families recover their livelihoods.
“Almighty God, we are in need of rain. We realize now, looking up into the clear, blue sky, what a marvel even the least drop of rain really is. To think that so much water can really fall out of the sky, which now is empty and clear! We place our trust in You. We are sure that You know our needs. Look to our dry hills and fields, dear God, and bless them with the living blessing of soft rain. Then the land will rejoice and rivers will sing Your praises, and the hearts of all will be made glad.” Amen.
By Rose Achiego, Waumini Communications-KCCB