TANZANIA: Catholic Communicators to discuss new media law

The Communication Directorate of the Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC) has organized a one-day seminar to discussing new media law adopted by parliament of Tanzania and signed by the President recently.
The seminar which is meant for the directors of Communications and Information from 34 Diocese as well as heads of Catholic Media in the country including television, radio and newspapers is scheduled for January 24 this year at Tanzania Episcopal Conference TEC Secretariat in Dar-es-Salaam.
TEC National Communication Secretary Mr. Bernard James said that, the seminar participants will discuss in detail all the necessary components in the new law to centralize media and communications professionals to church activities for better performance.
Among other things, the seminar will be used as part of the strategy of propagating the 100 years of priesthood in Tanzania Mainland and 150 years of evangelization in mainland through catholic media.
He said all the necessary preparations for the seminar are completed so the directors
By Sarah Pelaji