KENYA: Religious Congregations asked to remain focused on Church’s Mission.

By Pamela Adinda, AMECEA Online News

The Secretary General of AMECEA Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Lugonzo has appealed to religious congregations to remain focused on the mission of the church and be cautious of unhealthy competition that often times crops up when congregations tend to be divided from the mainstream Church.
Fr. Lugonzo was speaking at the Hilton Foundation Convening held in Nairobi on Tuesday October, where participants included Superiors General of Religious Women Congregations from different parts of the world, Donor agencies and international partners.
While addressing the Sisters, Fr. Lugonzo said that, “It is important that the Catholic Sisters rediscover the vocation that they are all living as part of the mission of the Church. This is very important to be emphasised even in the formation period because if that focus in respect to different charisms is lost, then we forget that we are participating in the common mission of the Church, and then the competition begins.”
He challenged the religious congregations to complement the church and not work as thoughthey are in competition with the same church they are meant to serve. “My emphasis is, can we participate in the very mission of the Church emphasising our Charism, trying to do the work that we are called for but within the mainstream of the mission of the church?”
He observed that religious women are very friendly people who more than just being personal friends know how to capitalize on this friendship to make good out of it. These relationships should then move to reflect the structural elements, creating enabling environment where they can work with the institutional church in a structured way.