UGANDA: Apostolic Nuncio calls for respect and protection of unborn babies

H.E. Most Rev. Michael August Blume, the Apostolic Nunci to Uganda (center) shows to the press a copy of a booklet of the Amoris Laetitia. He is flanked by the Chairman of the Uganda Episcopal Conference and Archbishop of Gulu, Most Rev. John Baptist Odama (right) and the Archbishop of Kampala, Most Rev. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga (left)
The Apostolic Nuncio to Uganda, His Excellency Archbishop Michael August Blume, has reiterated the Catholic Church’s position on abortion saying that the practice remains murder no matter what terminology is being used to downplay it.
The Nuncio made the remarks on June 10, 2016 at the Uganda Catholic Secretariat during a press conference that was held to expound on the Post- Synodal Apostolic Exhortation entitled Amoris Laetitia, “The Joy of Love” that was released on April 8, 2016 by Pope Francis.

to Uganda (center) shows to the press a copy of a booklet
of the Amoris Laetitia. He is flanked by the Chairman
of the Uganda Episcopal Conference and Archbishop of Gulu,
Most Rev. John Baptist Odama (right) and the Archbishop of
Kampala, Most Rev. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga (left)
Archbishop Blume also blamed the doctors who deceive the women that the discomfort and pain of abortion would be gone in a few days, however, the same doctors don’t warn these women about the psychological torture they have to endure afterward.
Stressing that the Catholic Church is bent on protecting life, the Archbishop urged the media to stop collaborating with those promoting things against life. He cited songs, adverts and programs that media usually use in that regard. The Papal Nuncio pointed out that the women who become pregnant after rape need support and should be guided on how to handle those children.
He further said that Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis, refer to Africa as the continent of hope because they preserve and respect life. He decried the embracing of the throwaway culture that has made it legal in Europe to kill the elderly and those considered “useless” to society.
“The throwaway culture is about exploitation, using things and then throwing them away without considering keeping or repairing them. This is the same thing being done to our natural environment. All this is as a result of ideological colonization which refers to the use of tricks to get one’s goal without going through the legal or normal channels,” he explained.
About “The Joy of Love” the Nuncio observed that it attracted a lot of international media attention, which then suddenly stopped, because they thought the Pope was introducing change of the Catholic teaching on divorce and the gay people.
He called upon everyone to have respect for the family: father, mother and children since the Catholic Church’s constant teaching outlines clearly that it is in the family where we learn how to pursue the good as well as resist evil in any country.
“It is in the family that children learn to pray, to recognise the mysterious presence of God in their lives, to act justly, to settle conflicts in peaceful ways, to love one another, to honour their elders, to sacrifice selfish interests, to contribute to the common good of the family and society, to carry out their civic duties, to learn the value of beauty, respect for nature and to reject the throwaway culture of the contemporary world,” the Papal Nuncio stated.
By Jacinta W. Odongo and Valerian Kkonde, Communication Office, UEC