KENYA: Catholic University of Eastern Africa launches a journal of Pastoral Theology

The department of Pastoral Theology in the Faculty of Theology at
the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) on Friday 8th April
launched its first ever journal of Pastoral Theology called the Good Shepherd
in a colorful ceremony that was led by the first head of Pastoral Theology at
the institution Rt. Rev. Rodrigo Mejía Saldarriaga, SJ, Bishop Emeritus of Vicariate
Apostolic of Soddo, Ethiopia and Rt. Rev. Joseph Ndembu Mbatia, Bishop of
Nyahururu Diocese in Kenya.
the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) on Friday 8th April
launched its first ever journal of Pastoral Theology called the Good Shepherd
in a colorful ceremony that was led by the first head of Pastoral Theology at
the institution Rt. Rev. Rodrigo Mejía Saldarriaga, SJ, Bishop Emeritus of Vicariate
Apostolic of Soddo, Ethiopia and Rt. Rev. Joseph Ndembu Mbatia, Bishop of
Nyahururu Diocese in Kenya.
In his homily during the Eucharistic celebrations that preceded
the launching ceremony, Bishop Mejía revealed that 35 year ago he was the
youngest staff member of CUEA, then known as Catholic High Institution of Eastern
Africa (CHIEA) and he was the head of Pastoral Theology, which at the time had
only five students, among them Rev. Fr. Joseph Kato who later became head of
Pastoral Department at AMECEA Secretariat.
the launching ceremony, Bishop Mejía revealed that 35 year ago he was the
youngest staff member of CUEA, then known as Catholic High Institution of Eastern
Africa (CHIEA) and he was the head of Pastoral Theology, which at the time had
only five students, among them Rev. Fr. Joseph Kato who later became head of
Pastoral Department at AMECEA Secretariat.
“I have seen CUEA growing but never had a chance to preside over
the Mass, this is therefore a great opportunity for me and a reason for great
joy,” he said on a light note.
the Mass, this is therefore a great opportunity for me and a reason for great
joy,” he said on a light note.
Rev. Dr. Nicholaus Segeja, the current head of Pastoral Theology
at the University said that the idea of publishing a journal was conceived long
time ago and he was glad that it has become a reality. While extending his
gratitude to all who, through their participation, in one way or the other have
contributed to the success of the publication, he said adding that it took many
hands for support and working together to realize the dream.
at the University said that the idea of publishing a journal was conceived long
time ago and he was glad that it has become a reality. While extending his
gratitude to all who, through their participation, in one way or the other have
contributed to the success of the publication, he said adding that it took many
hands for support and working together to realize the dream.
“The mandate of the department of Pastoral Theology is to do
research and publication, as well
research and publication, as well
as teach and serve in the community,” Fr.
Segeja said adding that because of its nature, the department also has a duty
of studying priorities in pastoral challenges in the church and society and
proposing formal strategy to respond to them at different levels.
He explained that the department also need to collaborate in
evaluating and proposing pastoral programs of common interest specifically in
the local churches, in the parishes, pastoral institutes and centers,
seminaries and formation centers.
evaluating and proposing pastoral programs of common interest specifically in
the local churches, in the parishes, pastoral institutes and centers,
seminaries and formation centers.
“Because of its nature and mandate which is in line with the
current CUEA Strategic Development Plan, and considering the needs of pastoral
and theological research due to contemporary challenges that call for pastoral
collaborations and networking in AMECEA Region and beyond, the department saw
that the launching of the good shepherd journal suffices as a necessity,” he
current CUEA Strategic Development Plan, and considering the needs of pastoral
and theological research due to contemporary challenges that call for pastoral
collaborations and networking in AMECEA Region and beyond, the department saw
that the launching of the good shepherd journal suffices as a necessity,” he
Among the topics covered in this first Volume, Issue number one of
the Good Shepherd Journal include Socio-Pastoral
Analysis and Social Sciences Research Methodologies: Areas of Convergence and
Divergence authored by Rev. Dr. Segeja; From
Pastoral to Practical Theology authored by Msgr. Rodrigo Mejía Saldarriaga,
SJ; Doing Quality Pastoral Theology
Research in African Context authored by Rev. Prof. Peter Ignatius Gichure; Pastoral Methodological Considerations:
Guidelines for Writing Research works, authored by Rev. Jim Kanakulia and
Rev. Dr. Segeja.
the Good Shepherd Journal include Socio-Pastoral
Analysis and Social Sciences Research Methodologies: Areas of Convergence and
Divergence authored by Rev. Dr. Segeja; From
Pastoral to Practical Theology authored by Msgr. Rodrigo Mejía Saldarriaga,
SJ; Doing Quality Pastoral Theology
Research in African Context authored by Rev. Prof. Peter Ignatius Gichure; Pastoral Methodological Considerations:
Guidelines for Writing Research works, authored by Rev. Jim Kanakulia and
Rev. Dr. Segeja.
Other topics covered include Applying
Personality Virtue Ethics to Pastoral Theology authored by Rev. Dr.
Emmanuel Wabanhu and finally Evangelii
Guadium and the Church as family of God, authored by Rev. Dr. Jordan
Personality Virtue Ethics to Pastoral Theology authored by Rev. Dr.
Emmanuel Wabanhu and finally Evangelii
Guadium and the Church as family of God, authored by Rev. Dr. Jordan
Fr. Segeja said that the successful publication and the launch of
the Good Shepherd Journal is an indication of more publications in the pipeline
that the department is working on. He said that plans are underway to publish
more research works done by the institution which aim at providing the much
needed information to the Church and community in General.
the Good Shepherd Journal is an indication of more publications in the pipeline
that the department is working on. He said that plans are underway to publish
more research works done by the institution which aim at providing the much
needed information to the Church and community in General.
The Good shepherd Journal was published and printed by the CUEA
By Pamela Adinda, AMECEA Online