UGANDA: Diocesan youths in Uganda celebrate 2015 National Youth day

More than 200 youths from across Uganda gathered last week in the
Diocese of Lira from December 9-12, 2015 to celebrate the 2015 National Youth
Day event.
Diocese of Lira from December 9-12, 2015 to celebrate the 2015 National Youth
Day event.
The annual event, which was conducted under the theme of, ‘Blessed
are the pure in heart, for they will see God’ was held with an aim of
providing an opportunity for the youth to live and share in the universality of
the Church, that in Christ we are indeed one, creating awareness among the
youth on topical issues within their community and encouraging them to become
change agents as well as strengthening and enkindling the apostolate in the
host Arch/diocese.
are the pure in heart, for they will see God’ was held with an aim of
providing an opportunity for the youth to live and share in the universality of
the Church, that in Christ we are indeed one, creating awareness among the
youth on topical issues within their community and encouraging them to become
change agents as well as strengthening and enkindling the apostolate in the
host Arch/diocese.
“As Catholic youth, young people contribution towards helping each other
to know and experience the different realities in the North, East, South, West
and Central, thus this event promotes solidarity,” said the National Youth
Coordinator of the Uganda Episcopal Conference (UEC), Joyce Zako adding “By
coming together, the young people are able to discuss their most intimate
aspirations and experience the Church as communion, and make a commitment to
the urgent task of evangelization.”
to know and experience the different realities in the North, East, South, West
and Central, thus this event promotes solidarity,” said the National Youth
Coordinator of the Uganda Episcopal Conference (UEC), Joyce Zako adding “By
coming together, the young people are able to discuss their most intimate
aspirations and experience the Church as communion, and make a commitment to
the urgent task of evangelization.”
The four-day event was marked in style with lots of activities including
a Holy Mass, confessions, music entertainment, cultural performance and sports
competitions as an expression of unity among youth of different cultures,
religions, and Christian denominations.
a Holy Mass, confessions, music entertainment, cultural performance and sports
competitions as an expression of unity among youth of different cultures,
religions, and Christian denominations.
It attracted youth participants from the 19 dioceses in the country,
National Youth Movements and Associations which include Young Christian
Students, Young Christian workers, Xaverians, Uganda Catholic Scouts
Fraternity, other Catholic Ecclesiastic movements and youth representatives
from neighboring Episcopal Conferences like Kenya, Tanzania, Sudan and South
Sudan among other countries.
National Youth Movements and Associations which include Young Christian
Students, Young Christian workers, Xaverians, Uganda Catholic Scouts
Fraternity, other Catholic Ecclesiastic movements and youth representatives
from neighboring Episcopal Conferences like Kenya, Tanzania, Sudan and South
Sudan among other countries.
The UEC Chairman and Archbishop of Gulu, John Baptist Odama, Bishop of
Lira, Rt. Rev Joseph Franzelli and Bishop Chairman of the Lay Apostolate
Commission, Rt. Rev Paul Ssemogerere were also in attendance.
Lira, Rt. Rev Joseph Franzelli and Bishop Chairman of the Lay Apostolate
Commission, Rt. Rev Paul Ssemogerere were also in attendance.
Since 1993, the Uganda National Catholic Youth Apostolate council which
brings together all the diocesan youth apostolate leaders and their animators
as well as youth within the Ecclesial movements and Association resolved that
the National Youth Day celebrations be on a rational basis. The 2014
celebrations were held in the diocese of Kampala.
brings together all the diocesan youth apostolate leaders and their animators
as well as youth within the Ecclesial movements and Association resolved that
the National Youth Day celebrations be on a rational basis. The 2014
celebrations were held in the diocese of Kampala.
By Jacinta W. Odongo; Media
Officer, Uganda Episcopal Conference
Officer, Uganda Episcopal Conference