AMECEA: J&P Coordinators resolute to stand for Professionalism, Unity, Truth and Justice

The CJPC National Secretaries from AMECEA member countries have
determined to improving sustainability within the church in social programmes,
professionalism in our structures and increase the capacities of the church
worker to deliver on the bigger mandate of evangelization.
determined to improving sustainability within the church in social programmes,
professionalism in our structures and increase the capacities of the church
worker to deliver on the bigger mandate of evangelization.
According to AMECEA Justice, Peace and Caritas Department Coordinator,
Mr. Antony Mbandi, other resolutions included were: reducing conflict within
the region, raising concerns on economic injustices, how to network better with
the AU/SECAM liaison office as well as other regional economic communities and
the greater involvement of youth and women.
Mr. Antony Mbandi, other resolutions included were: reducing conflict within
the region, raising concerns on economic injustices, how to network better with
the AU/SECAM liaison office as well as other regional economic communities and
the greater involvement of youth and women.
The resolutions were passed during their two-day consultative
meeting (14-15th December 2015) on which they deliberated on the
emerging issues of Justice and Peace in the region including the available opportunities,
discussion on the restructuring process that is being undertaken by the various
conferences in streamlining the social work of the church and sharing the
different approaches, experiences and programmes being undertaken by the
meeting (14-15th December 2015) on which they deliberated on the
emerging issues of Justice and Peace in the region including the available opportunities,
discussion on the restructuring process that is being undertaken by the various
conferences in streamlining the social work of the church and sharing the
different approaches, experiences and programmes being undertaken by the
In the area of capacity building and coaching, the Justice and
Peace Executive Secretaries commended AMECEA and USCCB on the capacity building
project and hoped that AMECEA can work to enlarging this programme to cover
bigger numbers in the conferences. It
was also suggested that mechanisms be put in place for greater contribution
from the conferences through commissions towards ensuring continuous capacity
building is undertaken for the church workers.
Peace Executive Secretaries commended AMECEA and USCCB on the capacity building
project and hoped that AMECEA can work to enlarging this programme to cover
bigger numbers in the conferences. It
was also suggested that mechanisms be put in place for greater contribution
from the conferences through commissions towards ensuring continuous capacity
building is undertaken for the church workers.
During the deliberations, the issues around armed conflict in
South Sudan and Burundi found their way to the top of the agenda.
South Sudan and Burundi found their way to the top of the agenda.
After deliberation, it was generally agreed that more work on
conflict resolution and peace building needs to be done by the conferences in
the region with the assistance of Justice and Peace commissions. “It was also noted that we have to recall the
bravery and resolve of our forefathers and those who have gone before us when
it comes to standing with what is just and the truth. The meeting also noted that there can never
be justice without peace nor peace without justice and in the absence of either
of the two; we cannot achieve our potentials as humans in spirituality and
social development,” Mr Mbandi explained.
conflict resolution and peace building needs to be done by the conferences in
the region with the assistance of Justice and Peace commissions. “It was also noted that we have to recall the
bravery and resolve of our forefathers and those who have gone before us when
it comes to standing with what is just and the truth. The meeting also noted that there can never
be justice without peace nor peace without justice and in the absence of either
of the two; we cannot achieve our potentials as humans in spirituality and
social development,” Mr Mbandi explained.
At the end of the meeting, AMECEA Justice Peace and Caritas,
AU/SECAM Liaison Office and the National Justice and Peace Executive Secretaries,
resolved to work closely together to exert as much pressure as humanly
possible, based on their capacities and prepare for the long haul so as to
ensure that there is action against violent conflict in the region and in the neighboring
conferences so that truth and justice can prevail.
AU/SECAM Liaison Office and the National Justice and Peace Executive Secretaries,
resolved to work closely together to exert as much pressure as humanly
possible, based on their capacities and prepare for the long haul so as to
ensure that there is action against violent conflict in the region and in the neighboring
conferences so that truth and justice can prevail.
“This is in line with the Holy Father’s wish that we should
tenderly transform our lives, the lives of those we touch, the society and the
universe as a whole during this year of mercy,” he said.
tenderly transform our lives, the lives of those we touch, the society and the
universe as a whole during this year of mercy,” he said.
By AMECEA Online News Reporter