ETHIOPIA: Cardinal Berhaneyesus Condemns FGM and other harmful practices in the country

Metropolitan Archbishop of Addis Ababa, President of CBCE H. E. Berhaneyesus,
D. Cardinal Souraphiel C.M., has condemned Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) practices
going on in the country and ask the society to support the Catholic Church
initiatives of abolishing of harmful practices that affect the health of women
and girls through its pastoral and social development activities.
Speaking at The Annual General Health Assembly of the Ethiopian
Catholic Church event held on December 2 – 3, 2015 in Addis Ababa Cardinal
Berhaneyesus said, “As you know female genital mutilation is still practiced in
this country. The practice has no religious base. Nowhere in the Bible is female
circumcision written about. Still more has to be done in the fight against these
Catholic Church event held on December 2 – 3, 2015 in Addis Ababa Cardinal
Berhaneyesus said, “As you know female genital mutilation is still practiced in
this country. The practice has no religious base. Nowhere in the Bible is female
circumcision written about. Still more has to be done in the fight against these
He said that more has to be done the vision of the Catholic Church
is to serve the Kingdom of God both at the level of individual and society
through Evangelization and promotion of integral human development to have
Ethiopian society free from disease, disability and ignorance
is to serve the Kingdom of God both at the level of individual and society
through Evangelization and promotion of integral human development to have
Ethiopian society free from disease, disability and ignorance
“Healing was an essential part of Jesus’ public ministry and
Mission which he entrusted to his disciples. It is an important aspect of the
salvation and liberation of human kind. The Church’s concern for the sick is
therefore, part and parcel of entrusted mission by Christ in our world” he
Mission which he entrusted to his disciples. It is an important aspect of the
salvation and liberation of human kind. The Church’s concern for the sick is
therefore, part and parcel of entrusted mission by Christ in our world” he
At the event it was noted that the Church specifically focuses on
the poor and the marginalized sector of the society as priority and tries to
address primary health care coverage, maternal health care, communicable and
non-communicable diseases, nutrition programs, HIV/AIDS prevention and control.
the poor and the marginalized sector of the society as priority and tries to
address primary health care coverage, maternal health care, communicable and
non-communicable diseases, nutrition programs, HIV/AIDS prevention and control.
Speaking at the same occasion Mr. Bekele Moges, ECC SDCO Executive
Director said that the health sector strategic plan is contributing to the
economic growth of Ethiopia and the Church is a leading partner with the
government in health care. Currently the Catholic Church in Ethiopia, through
her 87 health institutions, is providing care, treatment and support to the
sick, disabled and the poor.
Director said that the health sector strategic plan is contributing to the
economic growth of Ethiopia and the Church is a leading partner with the
government in health care. Currently the Catholic Church in Ethiopia, through
her 87 health institutions, is providing care, treatment and support to the
sick, disabled and the poor.
The Catholic in Ethiopia has signed a Memorandum of Understanding
with the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) and is working accordingly.
with the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) and is working accordingly.
“I would like to appreciate the FMoH for signing this MoU that
helps us to work with an integrated and coordinated efforts, to improve the
effectiveness of health program, to avoid unnecessary duplication of services,
and improve our performances” said Mr. Bekele.
helps us to work with an integrated and coordinated efforts, to improve the
effectiveness of health program, to avoid unnecessary duplication of services,
and improve our performances” said Mr. Bekele.
A market stall show casing the health services of all the Catholic
health institutions was part of the event. Among the participants were representatives
of FMoH, Regional Health Bureaus, Partners, Diocesan Health Coordinators and
Heads of Catholic Health Institutions throughout the country. Medals and
Certificated of appreciations were also given to the Catholic health care
facilitators in recognition of their services. The theme for the 2015 Assembly
is “implementation of New Policies and Standards for Sustainable Health
Services: Integration of FGM issues in the Catholic Church Health
health institutions was part of the event. Among the participants were representatives
of FMoH, Regional Health Bureaus, Partners, Diocesan Health Coordinators and
Heads of Catholic Health Institutions throughout the country. Medals and
Certificated of appreciations were also given to the Catholic health care
facilitators in recognition of their services. The theme for the 2015 Assembly
is “implementation of New Policies and Standards for Sustainable Health
Services: Integration of FGM issues in the Catholic Church Health
By Makeda Yohannes, CBCE
Communications and Public Relation Office, Ethiopia
Communications and Public Relation Office, Ethiopia