UGANDA: Pope Francis Leaves Uganda upon completion his mission in the AMECEA region.

Pope Francis has left Uganda upon completion his mission in the AMECEA region on his way to
Central African Republic, the third and last leg of his pilgrimage to Africa. The flight to CAR will last two hours and 45
minutes. The Pope is expected to land in the CAR at 10:00 a.m. local time.
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, Catholic Bishops and other
dignitaries bid him farewell at the Entebbe International airport.
This last stop, according to some media reports is said to be the
most challenging part of his trip since the country, CAR is faced with violence
between Christians’ and Muslims’militants which has displaced nearly 1 million people
from their homes over the last two years.
However, the President of the country, Her Excellency Catherine
Samba-Panza,  says The Holy

Father, Pope
Francis is being awaited as a “peace messenger.”

According to the program today at midday, the Holy Father is
expected to visit a refugee camp in C.A.R.

Online News Reporter

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