UGANDA – Pope Francis’ address to the Catechists and Teachers during his visit to Munyonyo

Kampala, on 27.11.2015
Catechists and Teachers, Dear Friends,
Catechists and Teachers, Dear Friends,
I greet you with affection in the name of
Jesus Christ, our Lord and Teacher.
“Teacher!” What a beautiful name
this is! Jesus is our first and greatest
teacher. Saint Paul tells us that Jesus
gave his Church not only apostles and pastors, but also teachers, to build up
the whole body in faith and love.
Together with the bishops, priests and deacons who are ordained to
preach the Gospel and care for the Lord’s flock, you, as catechists, play an
outstanding part in bringing the Good News to every village and homestead in
your country.
wish before all else, to thank you for the sacrifices which you and your
families make, and for the zeal and devotion with which you carry out your
important task. You teach what Jesus
taught, you instruct adults and help parents to raise their children in the
faith, and you bring the joy and hope of eternal life to all. Thank you for your dedication, your example,
your closeness to God’s people in their daily lives, and all the many ways you
plant and nurture the seeds of faith throughout this vast land. Thank you especially for teaching our
children and young people how to pray.
know that your work, although rewarding, is not easy. So I encourage you to persevere, and I ask
your bishops and priests to support you with a doctrinal, spiritual and
pastoral formation capable of making you ever more effective in your
outreach. Even when the task seems too
much, the resources too few, the obstacles too great, it should never be
forgotten that yours is a holy work. The
Holy Spirit is present wherever the name of Christ is proclaimed. He is in our midst whenever we lift up our
hearts and minds to God in prayer. He
will give you the light and strength you need!
The message you bring will take root all the more firmly in people’s
hearts if you are not only a teacher but also a witness. Your example should speak to every one of the
beauty of prayer, the power of mercy and forgiveness, the joy of sharing in the
Eucharist with all our brothers and sisters.
know that your work, although rewarding, is not easy. So I encourage you to persevere, and I ask
your bishops and priests to support you with a doctrinal, spiritual and
pastoral formation capable of making you ever more effective in your
outreach. Even when the task seems too
much, the resources too few, the obstacles too great, it should never be
forgotten that yours is a holy work. The
Holy Spirit is present wherever the name of Christ is proclaimed. He is in our midst whenever we lift up our
hearts and minds to God in prayer. He
will give you the light and strength you need!
The message you bring will take root all the more firmly in people’s
hearts if you are not only a teacher but also a witness. Your example should speak to every one of the
beauty of prayer, the power of mercy and forgiveness, the joy of sharing in the
Eucharist with all our brothers and sisters.
Christian community in Uganda grew strong through the witness of the
martyrs. They testified to the truth
which sets men free; they were willing to shed their blood to be faithful to
what they knew was good and beautiful and true.
We stand here today in Munyonyo at the place where King Mwanga
determined to wipe out the followers of Christ.
He failed in this, just as King Herod failed to kill Jesus. The light shone in the darkness, and the
darkness could not overcome it (cf. Jn 1:5).
After seeing the fearless testimony of Saint Andrew Kaggwa and his
companions, Christians in Uganda became even more convinced of Christ’s
Christian community in Uganda grew strong through the witness of the
martyrs. They testified to the truth
which sets men free; they were willing to shed their blood to be faithful to
what they knew was good and beautiful and true.
We stand here today in Munyonyo at the place where King Mwanga
determined to wipe out the followers of Christ.
He failed in this, just as King Herod failed to kill Jesus. The light shone in the darkness, and the
darkness could not overcome it (cf. Jn 1:5).
After seeing the fearless testimony of Saint Andrew Kaggwa and his
companions, Christians in Uganda became even more convinced of Christ’s
Saint Andrew, your patron, and all the Ugandan catechist martyrs, obtain for
you the grace to be wise teachers, men and women whose every word is filled
with grace, convincing witnesses to the splendour of God’s truth and the joy of
the Gospel! Go forth without fear to
every town and village in this country, to spread the good seed of God’s word,
and trust in his promise that you will come back rejoicing, with sheaves full
from the harvest.
Saint Andrew, your patron, and all the Ugandan catechist martyrs, obtain for
you the grace to be wise teachers, men and women whose every word is filled
with grace, convincing witnesses to the splendour of God’s truth and the joy of
the Gospel! Go forth without fear to
every town and village in this country, to spread the good seed of God’s word,
and trust in his promise that you will come back rejoicing, with sheaves full
from the harvest.
Abawe Omukisa! (God bless you!)
Abawe Omukisa! (God bless you!)
Source: Holy See Press