KENYA: Pope Francis safely lands in Nairobi

The Alitalia jetliner, christened Shepherd 1 with the Pope and his entourage touched down at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) at 4.30 after spending about 7 hours in the plane from Rome.  
The flags of both Kenya and the Vatican flew from the airplane’s cockpit as it taxied to the parking place.
Pope Francis smiled and waved as he emerged from the airplane, and was greeted with cheers from excited huge, choirs and dancers who were at the airport to receive him. 
He was received by the President of Kenya His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta and his wife Margaret
Pope Francis leaving the Airport

Kenyatta were accompanied by the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan His Excellency Charles Daniel Balvo.

The Archbishop of Nairobi H.E John Cardinal Njue; Rt Rev Phillip Anyolo; the Chairman of KCCB and H.E. Berhaneyesus D. Cardinal Souraphiel, the Chairman of AMECEA and the Archbishop of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia were the first three Bishops to greet and welcome the Holy Father at the Airport after the government dignitaries. 
Cardinal Berhaneyesus is receiving the Holy Father in his capacity as Chairman of AMECEA on behalf of the Bishops of the region.
Pope spend about 30 minutes at the airport before he started off to the Sate House boarding Honda Saloon car. At the state house Pope Francis was received again by President Uhuru Kenyatta and some government officials. 
Amid security concerns, Kenyan security personnel and the official Pope’s security surrounded the Roman Pontiff Father all the times. Thousands of police and troops were seen along the Mombasa Road – (the road from the airport to the city centre) and other areas with key roads closed in the capital Nairobi, to ensure the pontiff’s safety.
By Fr Chrisantus Ndaga, AMECEA Online News

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