UGANDA: UEC holds Training for Journalists ahead of the Papal visit in Uganda

A section of  participants during the training
With exactly six days left for the arrival of Pope Francis in
Uganda, local journalists accredited to cover the Papal visit will be able to
feed the public with accurate reporting after attending a day-long training on
the purpose of the visit of His Holiness to Uganda and an overview of the
hierarchy of the Catholic Church.
The training, which was held on Friday, 13th November,
2015, at the Uganda Catholic Secretariat premises, was organized by Uganda
Episcopal Conference (UEC) in partnership with the Government of Uganda.
Pope Francis is expected to arrive at Entebbe International
Airport at exactly 4.50 pm on November 27th from Kenya to Uganda for
Apostolic Mission before his departure to the Central African Republic on
November 29th.
Msgr Kauta Addressing the participants
During the training, Msgr John Kauta, Secretary General of UEC, “When
Pope Francis visits Uganda next week huge numbers of faithful are hoping to see
and hear the Holy Father’s Message. I am certain that there will be thousands
of journalists all trying to get a unique quote, if not from the Holy Father’s
message but from the people who will attend to see and hear him. We will need
well-informed journalists from across the country who will represent the broad
spectrum of our diverse Catholic family thus we organized this training.”
Rev. Fr Philip Odii, the UEC Executive Secretary of Social
Communications Department, was the main facilitator at the training that
attracted a total number of 62 journalists, both local and international; from
secular and Church media.
His presentation covered a number of topics including the purpose
and implication of the Holy Father’s visit to Uganda, an overview of the
Hierarchy of the Catholic Church and how to address the Catholic Church
“The purpose of this training is to guide you on how to report
accurately without exaggeration, what kind of news to look out for and those to
avoid during the Pope’s vist since these techniques are effective. As we
prepare to receive the Holy Father, let us endeavor to listen to his message
and report with open hearts and minds,” Fr. Philip explained.
The Chief Executive Officer of the Uganda Tourism Board (UTB), Mr.
Stephen Asimwe, and a representative from the Uganda Media Center, who were
both in attendance, also equipped the journalists with other reporting

By Jacinta Wangalwa Odongo; Media
Officer, Uganda Episcopal Conference (UEC)

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