ETHIOPIA: Catholic Church and Her Partners should collaborate in combating Environment Degradation –Cardinal Berhaneyesus

The Metropolitan Archbishop of Addis Ababa,
President of CBCE H.E. Berhaneyesus D. Soraphiel has asked the Catholic Church
in Ethiopia and Partners to work together to combat the human suffering resulting
from wicked human behavior related to the misuse of the environment.
In his opening remarks during the Partners
Annual Coordination Meeting that was held on November 5-6, 2015 in Addis Ababa
with the theme for the meeting was “Partners and ECC Diocesan Institutional
Accompaniment for Development and Emergency Response”; Cardinal Berhaneyesus
asked the Catholic Church and Her partners to collaborate in combating
environment degradation and its impact on people.
He recalled that currently the Federal
Government of Ethiopia has declared that almost 8.2 Million people are facing food
shortage and need immediate humanitarian support. He said that the
environmental impact for this crisis in Ethiopia is evident.
“We must commit our efforts to protecting and
preserving the earth and its resources for our own benefit and for the survival
of humanity. In our cosmos everything is interconnected and interdependent. We
are part and parcel of nature. We are called to combat climate change, preserve
the natural environment and provide to those in need with respect and dignity
what they need materially,” he said.
The current food security situation and
emergency appeal intervention plan was also discussed during the meeting. The
Ethiopian Catholic Church Social and Development Commission (ECC SDCO) is
collaborating with partners in providing an emergency response to those who are
affected by the drought caused by El Nino.
It was discussed that the emergency situation
will require a coordinated effort and high amount of resource due to the fact that
vast areas in 9 Dioceses are being affected by the situation. Participants were
informed by ECC SDCO that the immediate outlook is for prolonged drought in
wider part of the country on one hand and for potentially serious floods in
Southern Rangelands on the other hand. Thus immediate humanitarian assistance
and practical response is needed.
Mr. Bekele Moges, ECC SDCO Executive
Director, said that compared to the immensity of the crisis the resources
currently at hand for the response is limited. “It becomes a top urgent issue
of concern for all of us who are engaged in humanitarian and development
programs to prepare ourselves for a better coordination and collaboration that
helps us render a better service to the needy with meager resource at hand,” he
Mr. Bekele pointed out that the emergency
response is not to be left to be shouldered by the government only, all
partners and stakeholders should join in the effort to tackle the crises.
“We are aware that this time the current
emergency crisis in Ethiopia is knocking at the door of all potential donors
and government actors. However, from our experience the government alone will
not be able to respond to the huge need at the ground. Therefore, our united
hand is needed in any of the humanitarian actions that we may take to save
lives and livelihoods,” he explained.
A market stall is visited during which the
Diocesan offices shared their best experiences to attract partners to work with
them and held a bi-lateral meeting to strengthen the partnership. A briefing on
the Holy Father pope Francis’ Encyclical letter “Laudato Si” and on the newly launched Growth and Transformation
plan II of Ethiopia and how the Church can work in accordance to it was also
made. A presentation and discussion on Impact Investment was also part of the
program that allowed partners to reflect on how it could be incorporated to
their activities in order to better benefit the community.
Partners of the Ethiopian Catholic Church
from different parts of the world and in Ethiopia, Diocesan directors and
Development coordination of the Diocesan offices attended the meeting with
active participation.
The annual meetings are opportunities for ECC
and Her partners to share success stories of past endeavors and plan for better
achievements in the future.

By Makeda
Yohannes, CBCE Communications and Public Relation Office, Ethiopia

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