TANZANIA: Bishops Conference urges Political leaders to accept election results

Rt. Rev. Tarcisius Ngalalekumtwa,
 Chairman TEC, Bishop of Iringa

Catholic Bishops, under their umbrella body, Tanzanian Episcopal Conference,
(TEC) have urged political leaders to accept the results of the just concluded presidential
elections which were announced on Thursday 29th October by National Electoral
Commission as a sign of political maturity. The Bishops’ Conference also called
upon Tanzanians to be vigilant and maintain peace as violence and refractory are
not good for the development of the country.
the announcement by the National Electoral Commission (NEC) that Dr. John Pombe
Magufuli of Chama Cha Mapinduzi CCM
Party won the presidential election, citizens received the results with mixed
reactions, as a result Bishops’ Conference has asked political leaders and
their supporters to accept the results with patience and patriotism in order to
maintain the peace in the country.
President of
Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC), Rt. Rev. Tarcisius Ngalalekumtwa, in an exclusive
interview with Kiongozi Newspaper urged
all Tanzanians to show political maturity and follow the democratic processes
as provided by the laws, regulations and procedures for the General Election. He
implored political leaders to demonstrate political maturity by accepting to
collaborate and work with each other to serve well the people of Tanzania. He
said that failure to win an election should not be a reason for leaders not to
participate in serving the nation.
Ngalalekumtwa urged Tanzanians to be calm and to accept the results peacefully.
He also urged those who are not satisfied with the outcome or how the elections
were conducted to follow the right procedure guided laws, rules and regulations
to air their grievances and allow due process and justice to take its course.
and refractory are neither productive nor good for the welfare and development
of the country. Tanzanians should maintain peace, and continue to thrive in
democracy, prosperity and true progress,” he urged.
Tanzania held
its general election on Sunday, 25th October, 2015. Presidential
Candidate Mr. Edward Lowassa on Wednesday, 21st called for the
nullification of T elections, accusing the National Electoral Commission of
announcing partial results. This came after the nullification of Zanzibar’s
presidential elections by Zanzibar Electoral Commission, owing to widespread
By Sara Pelaji, Kiongozi Newspaper TEC

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