SOUTH SUDAN: Bishop Taban tells South Sudanese to love another for lasting peace

Rt. Rev. Taban Paride,
 Bishop Emeritus of Torit

The Emeritus
Bishop of Torit Catholic Diocese tells South Sudanese to love and treat each
other as equals to realize lasting peace in the country.
Paride Taban, in his message says, “if South Sudanese respect one another and
live as one family of one God, true peace will reign in the country.”
He advises
South Sudanese to tell the truth and that people of the young country are dying
because of not being sincere to each other.
Bishop Taban
recalls that South Sudanese became so much tribal because of political powers
and depending on public fund, wealth of the country.
The Catholic
leader appeals to all South Sudanese not to behave like some wild beasts
He points out
that South Sudanese seem to have misunderstood the meaning of the liberation of
the young country.
Source: CRN

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