SOUTH SUDAN: AMECEA Conducts a training workshop on Small Christian Communities

Despite the
danger of civil unrest, delegates from seven dioceses in South Sudan were brave
to attend the Workshop on “Revitalization of Small Christians Communities as Tools
for Grass Root Evangelization”, which took place in Juba on 21st and 22nd
October 2015.
danger of civil unrest, delegates from seven dioceses in South Sudan were brave
to attend the Workshop on “Revitalization of Small Christians Communities as Tools
for Grass Root Evangelization”, which took place in Juba on 21st and 22nd
October 2015.
objectives of the Workshop, which was organized by the AMECEA Pastoral
Department in Collaboration with Pastoral Department of Sudan Conference of
Catholic Bishops (SCBC), are: 1. To share experiences on SCCs in the Parishes/
Dioceses and to learn from one another; 2. To reflect on the role of the
different individuals and groups in supporting the growth and development of
SCCs in the parishes/dioceses; 3. To enhance networking and collaboration among
the Catholic groups, parishes and dioceses on strengthening the growth of SCCs.
objectives of the Workshop, which was organized by the AMECEA Pastoral
Department in Collaboration with Pastoral Department of Sudan Conference of
Catholic Bishops (SCBC), are: 1. To share experiences on SCCs in the Parishes/
Dioceses and to learn from one another; 2. To reflect on the role of the
different individuals and groups in supporting the growth and development of
SCCs in the parishes/dioceses; 3. To enhance networking and collaboration among
the Catholic groups, parishes and dioceses on strengthening the growth of SCCs.
During the
two days’ workshop, the delegates shared their experiences of SCCs in their
dioceses and parishes. It was observed that only three out of seven dioceses
have made the building of SCCs as part of their pastoral plan. Among the major
reasons that were given about this situation are: the long civil war to
independence; the current internal conflict; the displacement of people and the
lack of skilled pastoral agents in some of the dioceses.
two days’ workshop, the delegates shared their experiences of SCCs in their
dioceses and parishes. It was observed that only three out of seven dioceses
have made the building of SCCs as part of their pastoral plan. Among the major
reasons that were given about this situation are: the long civil war to
independence; the current internal conflict; the displacement of people and the
lack of skilled pastoral agents in some of the dioceses.
Despite this
situation, the delegates in their strategic resolutions and plans expressed
situation, the delegates in their strategic resolutions and plans expressed
determination to use every situation make the building of SCCs is a
pastoral priority in all the dioceses. When making their work plans the common
areas of concern and recommendations were the following:
All Diocesan
Pastoral Teams to present to the local ordinaries, Bishops and Archbishops, the
relevance of considering the building of SCCs as way being Church so that it is
included in the Pastoral Strategic Plans.
Pastoral Teams to present to the local ordinaries, Bishops and Archbishops, the
relevance of considering the building of SCCs as way being Church so that it is
included in the Pastoral Strategic Plans.
Solidarity Pastoral Team of SCBC to intensify the Trainer of Trainers Workshops
around the Dioceses; offer capacity building to Diocesan Pastoral Teams and use
of the Radio as means of formation sharing about SCCs.
Solidarity Pastoral Team of SCBC to intensify the Trainer of Trainers Workshops
around the Dioceses; offer capacity building to Diocesan Pastoral Teams and use
of the Radio as means of formation sharing about SCCs.
of Priests as key pastoral agents in the implementation process, especially in
those dioceses that are starting the building of SCCs.
of Priests as key pastoral agents in the implementation process, especially in
those dioceses that are starting the building of SCCs.
In those
dioceses where SCCs have been initiated, to intensify the involvement of the
Lay Leaders, Parish Councils and all the laity in sensitization on the
importance of SCCs in promoting the Pastoral life of the Church.
dioceses where SCCs have been initiated, to intensify the involvement of the
Lay Leaders, Parish Councils and all the laity in sensitization on the
importance of SCCs in promoting the Pastoral life of the Church.
To design
plans on making follow-down through the Diocesan and Parish Pastoral Teams.
plans on making follow-down through the Diocesan and Parish Pastoral Teams.
facilitators of the Workshop were Fr. Febian Pikiti Mulenga, AMECEA Pastoral
Coordinator and Mr. Omolo Alphonce, from the AMECEA SCCs Training Team. The
twenty for delegates who attended the Workshop where from the following
Arch/dioceses: Juba (1); Malakal (2); Rumbek (4), Torit (4); Tombura-Yambio
(1); Wau (4); Yei (4) and the Pastoral Solidarity Team (4).
facilitators of the Workshop were Fr. Febian Pikiti Mulenga, AMECEA Pastoral
Coordinator and Mr. Omolo Alphonce, from the AMECEA SCCs Training Team. The
twenty for delegates who attended the Workshop where from the following
Arch/dioceses: Juba (1); Malakal (2); Rumbek (4), Torit (4); Tombura-Yambio
(1); Wau (4); Yei (4) and the Pastoral Solidarity Team (4).
In his
closing remarks, Fr. Philip Bingo, Pastoral Coordinator of SCBC expressed
gratitude to AMECEA Secretariat for the gesture of solidarity and for offering
capacity building to the members of the Inter-Diocesan Pastoral Team.
closing remarks, Fr. Philip Bingo, Pastoral Coordinator of SCBC expressed
gratitude to AMECEA Secretariat for the gesture of solidarity and for offering
capacity building to the members of the Inter-Diocesan Pastoral Team.
By AMECEA Online News
Correspondent. Juba, South Sudan
Correspondent. Juba, South Sudan