ZAMBIA: Bishop Chinyemba urges Catholics to Speak against Misuse of Power

Rt. Rev. Evans Chinyemba, Bishop of Mongu
Rt. Rev.
Chinyemba, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Mongu, has urged the Catholic laity
to always be on the forefront to speak out when national resources are being
In his monthly address to his faithful through the diocesan monthly bulletin Banahaesu, under the theme Catholic lay faithful and their participation in the political life of a country, Bishop Chinyemba said that Catholic Christians who remain quiet when political power
is being misused are neglecting their baptismal duty towards the attainment of
a just society.
According to
the Bishop, Catholics have a duty and responsibility to be actively involved in
the country’s governance issues.
“If you
cannot speak as a concerned laity who else will speak on your behalf; when
power is misused and you remain silent, know that you are neglecting your duty
as a lay faithful. When attempts to silence masses are made and you remain
mute, you as laity you neglect your duty as a baptized person who is commissioned.
To remain silent is to have sold ones conscience,” he said.
Chinyemba said, inspired by the Gospel and their political involvement, the
laity have a duty to shed light on issues of justice, corruption, quality
leadership, economic well­being, housing, education, health care, security,
issues of youths and many other interventions that would help build a better
He said that
while there are Catholic politicians who try to discharge their duties well,
sadly, some have compromised their faith and have neglected the spirit of
service for political gain saying they chosen to lie in order to continue
holding on to power at various levels.
He added
that other bad examples of Catholic lay faithful have entered politics not to
serve but to enrich themselves.
“Take your
rightful place and present what is valuable to politics. I urge you to bring to
the political field the values that make you a good Christian and a credible
Catholic,” He urged.
Chinyemba said that Catholic Christians have a duty and responsibility to be
actively involved in the country’s governance issues saying the Church
leadership has clearly expressed such aspect at various forums and through some
of its doctrinal documentation.
By Mwenya Mukuka, ZEC Communications Officer

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