KENYA: ‘Country can Change after Pope Francis’ visit’ – Bishop Muheria

Rt. Rev. Anthony Muheria,
 Bishop of Kitui
Rt. Rev.
Anthony Muheria, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Kitui has expressed his
optimism that Pope Francis’ visit will inspire Kenyans to be better people.
In an
interview with Waumini News soon
after the Celebration of Holy Mass during the National Eucharistic Congress on
3rd, October 2015 at the Shrine of Mary in Subukia, Nakuru, Bishop Muheria, who
is also the Apostolic Administrator of Machakos Diocese said that Pope Francis’
address to the nation will have far-reaching impact in a country ravaged by
corruption, negative ethnicity and divisive politics.
‘’We are
waiting to hear what the Holy Father will say, but excited that the Pope is the
voice of Christ and he will speak to the youth, the poor whom he has a soft
spot for, the leaders and the whole nation, surely that is a flood of grace
that will make our country change and will give us the impulse we need to
really change because we need to change as Country.
the Holy Father as an inspiring personification of humility, love, prayer and
care for creation, Bishop Muheria said his visit will bring more Kenyans back
to the Church.
Francis is coming to Africa for the first time and starting his visit with
Kenya. It is a privilege we do not deserve, God has been very kind to us,” he
He called on
political leaders and the faithful to open their hearts and listen to the Holy
Father’s message and to be able to live up the Christian faith and also
welcomed them to pray and to come in large numbers to see the Pope.
Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) Chairman Rt. Rev Philip Anyolo together
with the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan His Excellency Charles
Daniel Balvo encouraged the faithful to prepare spiritually to welcome and
receive the Successor of Peter, him who is first among the apostles as he
visits the Country from 25th to 27th, November, 2015.
The National
Eucharistic congress was attended by 18 bishops, hundreds of consecrated men
and women and more thousands of faithful from different Dioceses in the
By Rose Achiego, Waumini Communications KCCB

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