ERITREA: Travel Restriction impedes ‘Further Education Possibility’ for Clergy and Religious

Kiflom Tesfaghiorghis
The Eritrean
government travel restriction has denied the Catholic Church opportunity of
sending Seminarians, Priests and Religious men and women abroad for further
with AMECEA Online News in Nairobi
recently the Secretary General of the Eritrean Bishops Conference Rev. Abba
Kiflom Tesfaghiorghis said that to make the matter worse, the law of the
country does not allow citizens below the age of 40, whether male or female to
leave the country for whatever reasons.
Religious Superiors who are below the age of 40 cannot leave the country
because the government would not give them exit permit,” said Abba Kiflom
adding that the situation is very frustrating especially in the country like
Eritrea where there are no universities.
recruitment to serve in the military, lack of development and job opportunities
to young Eritreans have continued to force citizens to flee from the country to
seek refuge elsewhere,” he said.
According to
the Secretary General the restriction has been the cause of many young Eritreans
risking their lives through taking dangerous routes especially the
Mediterranean Sea, fleeing from the unbearable situation.
principle the Bishops have forbidden their clergy and religious to serve in the military. However, if it happens (which is a very rare thing) that one Catholic priest or
religious is becoming a victim of the military patrols and taken to the
barracks, then my office will liaise with the Religious Affairs Office; (a
government office that bridges between the government and the Church) with
proper documentation to prove that the said person is indeed a priest or a
religious sister, in order to secure for his or her release” Abba Kiflom explained.
He said that
according to the law of the country, citizens are expected to serve in the
military for a period of two years but in actual sense. “But in principle coming
out of the military service is very hard; in most cases it can only happen when
you are very sick and unable to perform duties assigned or in case of girls
when they get pregnant,” he said adding that “Being released from the military
does not allow you to leave the country either; and still it is very frustrating
to the youth because there is no work to support their livelihood.”

By Pamela Adinda, AMECEA Online

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