AMECEA: CUEA holds 32nd Graduation ceremony at Lang’ata Main Campus

On Friday 2nd
October 2015, the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) held its 32nd  Graduation ceremony on which some 1,591
graduands received Diplomas and Degrees at the University’s main campus in
Langata, Nairobi.
The Chief
Guest at the graduation which had a Theme of “Holistic Education for
Sustainable Transformation of Africa
,” was H.E. Mrs. Angelina
Wapakhabulo, the Ugandan High Commissioner to Kenya.
Chancellor of the University, H.E, Berhaneyesus Cardinal Souraphiel, Archbishop
of the Metropolitan Diocese of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia conferred the degrees and
diplomas to the graduating candidates, in the presence of CUEA Council chaired
by Bishop Maurice Muhatia Makumba of Nakuru diocese in Kenya His Lordship
Bishop Maurice Muhatia.
A day before the graduation, Cardinal Berhaneyesus urged
the graduating students of CUEA to trust in God as they go out to fulfill their various missions
for which they have been equipped with knowledge and skills form the university
in his homily during the thanks giving Holy Mass for the Graduation held at the
University Main Campus in Langata, Nairobi, Kenya
Referring to
the Gospel reading of the day, Cardinal Berhaneyesus, who is also the Chairman
of AMECEA said that messengers are equipped with only trust in God. “It is not
an easy task to preach the Gospel of hope, joy, and freedom; trust in God is
therefore big weapon to defend oneself,” he said.
He said that
when the disciples were commissioned to go and spread the Good News, they were
told not to show any difference between rich and poor, slave and master but
rather to go to everyone because all needs to listen to the message; likewise
he urged the graduating students to embrace the same spirit in their service
deliveries. “Do not differentiate who should be the child of God, to whom the
Gospel should be delivered. Whether received or rejected the message of the
Gospel remains the same.”
Pamela Adinda, AMECEA Online News

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