UGANDA: PMS holds workshop to promote Church’s teachings and re-awakens Missionary Spirit

The department of the Pontifical Mission Societies at the Uganda
Episcopal Conference (UEC) has begun an Animation workshop in the Diocese of
Lugazi found in Kampala Ecclesiastical Province.
The workshop which kicked off on September 23rd, 2015
has been organized to promote the Church’s universal mission among all the
people of God and re-awaken a missionary spirit among the baptized
has been organized to promote the Church’s universal mission among all the
people of God and re-awaken a missionary spirit among the baptized
Catechists, the clergy, teachers from both primary and secondary
schools and animators are some of the participants taking part in the event
which is held under the theme of, “Repositioning Pontifical Mission Societies
schools and animators are some of the participants taking part in the event
which is held under the theme of, “Repositioning Pontifical Mission Societies
“We decided to organize this workshop to inform the people of God
to become aware of their worldwide missionary vocation,” Fr Philip
Balikuddembe, the PMS Head of Department at UEC said adding, “The Propagation
of the Faith seeks prayer, sacrifice and financial support for the Church’s
missionary work and provides ongoing help for the pastoral and evangelizing
programs of the Church in Africa and remote continents.”
to become aware of their worldwide missionary vocation,” Fr Philip
Balikuddembe, the PMS Head of Department at UEC said adding, “The Propagation
of the Faith seeks prayer, sacrifice and financial support for the Church’s
missionary work and provides ongoing help for the pastoral and evangelizing
programs of the Church in Africa and remote continents.”
PMS world-wide usually accept material needs in many forms
including aid for the education and support of seminarians, religious novices
and lay catechists; for the work of religious communities in education, health
care and social services; for the communication and transportation needs, and
for disaster and emergency relief, when necessary among other things.
including aid for the education and support of seminarians, religious novices
and lay catechists; for the work of religious communities in education, health
care and social services; for the communication and transportation needs, and
for disaster and emergency relief, when necessary among other things.
Earlier this year, the UEC-PMS department held a similar event to
consecrate the Major Seminaries in the country to various world projects. They
held the event to assist the libraries at the Seminaries get in partnership
with the international libraries for on-line research among other things.
consecrate the Major Seminaries in the country to various world projects. They
held the event to assist the libraries at the Seminaries get in partnership
with the international libraries for on-line research among other things.
The three-day workshop, which will end on 26th
September has attracted over 100 participants.
September has attracted over 100 participants.
By Jacinta Wangalwa Odongo; Media
Officer, Uganda Episcopal Conference
Officer, Uganda Episcopal Conference