TANZANIA: Christian Churches call for a Peaceful Election

Bishop Tarcisio Ngalalekumtwa (centre from TEC) with
other CCT leaders
The Christian Churches of Tanzania have called for peace and wanted that
everybody must be an agent of peace before, during and post the election.
In the joint statement from the Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC) and the
Christians Council of Tanzania (CCT), they appealed to citizens to be attentive
with political leaders’ agenda which want to divide people on basis of their religious
beliefs or ethnic background for their political gain and lust for power.  
They said that despite of the differences in their political ideologies and
affiliation people should remember that they are citizens of one country and one
nation. “You should not let anyone treat you like a commodity, to be bought for
breaching peace,” they said in their  statement. 
They also called on the citizens to make informed decisions during the coming
General election by voting for good leaders who won’t be taken up by greedy and
selfish interests. “Such kinds of leaders are unfit to lead this nation,” they
They said, “The peacekeepers of this nation
are Tanzanians themselves and therefore, safeguarding peace for their
prosperity and the generation to come must be their priority.”

By Sarah Pelaji, Kiongozi Newspaper TEC

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