MALAWI: ECM Director of Social Development Calls for Team Work

Mr. Carsterns Mulume 

The newly
appointed Director of Social Development for the Episcopal Conference of Malawi
(ECM), Mr. Carsterns Mulume has called on technical team members that comprises
officers from all the Commissions at Catholic Secretariat to embrace the team
working spirit when discharging their duties.

Mulume said
this during a three-day project management cycle training held in the lakeshore
district of Salima.
In his
position paper presentation, Mulume said his directorate has a vision that
staff members in all the commissions are highly skilled, motivated and well
integrated, enhance leadership and management capacities and influence skills
for resource mobilization.
“I would like
to see a directorate with stronger role in social development cooperation and
strong financial base; a directorate with a very good communication strategy
and is highly visible to the general public and within the institution and a
directorate with a very good communication strategy,” said Mulume.
He therefore,
called upon members under the directorate to embrace integration, coordination
and team management in programming, creation of integrated space and forums,
ensure proper coordination of development work at all levels and build
effective teams.
indicated that he will strive to empower the communications commission to
aggressively disseminate information within the Church and to build capacity of
various Church structures, groupings and commissions in information
appointed Mulume to this position following the new strategic framework for the
institution and he will be the overseer of the Catholic Commission for Justice
and Peace (CCJP), Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM), Health
Commission, Education and Communication Commissions.

By Prince Henderson, ECM
Communications Officer

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