AMECEA: Justice, Peace and Caritas Department to meet with Caritas Directors

Mr. Antony Mbandi
Justice, Peace and Caritas Department has organized a two-day meeting for all
the National Caritas Directors within the AMECEA Region to deliberate on ways
of better collaboration for the development of the region.
According to
the Coordinator of the Department, Mr. Antony Mbandi, the meeting which is
scheduled to take place in Nairobi Kenya on 22nd -23rd September is an
implementation of one of the 18th Plenary AMECEA Assembly
Resolution, which required AMECEA Secretariat to be more involved in Caritas
activities within the region, and build more synergies between Justice Peace and
“During the
meeting we are also going to discuss the Papal Encyclical Laudato Si and see how
best we can engage and collaborate as a region towards the care for our common
home,” Mr. Mbandi said.
It is
anticipated that participants will have a Eucharistic Celebrations to mark the
day of World Peace Day which officially falls on 21st September. The
Secretary General of AMECEA, Rev. Fr Ferdinand Lugonzo is expected to be
the main celebrant.
The meeting  is supported by the Catholic
Agency for Oversees Development (CAFOD), a long term partner of AMECEA
Justice Peace and Caritas Department.

By Pamela Adinda, AMECEA Online

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