ZAMBIA: ZEC Commends AMECEA/USCCB Capacity Building Initiative

Episcopal Conference has commended the initiative of AMECEA and USCCB of Capacity
building program that aims at improving the skills of top diocesan leadership team
and empowering them to work better, assist and advice local ordinaries.
the participants during the capacity building training held at Kasisi retreat
centre on 3rd September 2015, the Bishop of Monze Diocese, Rt. Rev Moses
Hamungole said, “On behalf of Zambia Episcopal Conference I would like to
register our gratitude to the United States Catholic Bishops Conference for
sponsoring this workshop earmarked for the top leadership in the Zambian
Hamungole added, “Their financial support has enabled the Catholic Secretariat
in collaboration with AMECEA to organize this workshop.”
Bishop Hamungole said that he was grateful to the secretariat together with
Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) for coordinating this training and
wished that similar trainings be conducted in future for Bishops too. “I
believe that we all need to sharpen our skills in order to respond to the new
challenges in the local and universal Churches.”
To the
participants, Bishop Hamungole said, “As close collaborators of your local
ordinaries who have been entrusted with important responsibilities in the
running of the dioceses, the skills you have attained will enhance your
capacities to read the signs of time for the good of the diocese and entire
family of God.”
A cross
section of the participants interviewed by AMECEA
Online News
said that they have benefitted a lot from the training and they
not only sharpened their minds but reminded themselves of their responsibility
as well.
Over 50
participants from all the 11 Catholic Dioceses attended the training.
By Fr Chrisantus Ndaga, AMECEA Online News,

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