KENYA: Stand up for the family, Archbishop Kivuva tells Diocesan Family Life Coordinators

Most Rev. Martin Kivuva,
Archbishop of Mombasa

Archbishop Most Rev. Martin Kivuva has described same-sex marriages as the
newest threat to the family in Kenya, and called upon diocesan Family Life
Coordinators to help families face numerous challenges that are threatening
their existence.
his Homily during the Holy Mass for Family Life Diocesan Coordinators gathered
for a one week Annual General Meeting at St Joseph’s Pastoral Centre in Mombasa
on 2nd September, 2015, Archbishop Kivuva said many families in Kenya needed
help to counter discord, alcoholism, substance abuse, unfaithfulness, disunity
and poverty.
Archbishop commended the Kenyan government for its stand on gay rights, and its
determination to protect the family unit by outlawing same sex marriages.
In a joint
press conference with president Barrack Obama, Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta
declined the US president’s calls for legalization of same-sex marriages. “Gay
unions are a cancer coming in to attack and eat up the family,” said Archbishop
Archbishop also expressed his support for the ongoing crackdown against second
generation alcohol and drugs, saying these had broken up many families.
“The family
unit is a very key part of life, from the family one learns the values of life,
respect and honour, this is why Pope Francis has called for a special synod for
the family in Rome in October,” he said.
By Rose
Achiego, Waumini Communications KCCB

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