UGANDA: Bishops of Uganda Salute Bishop Kalanda for his exemplary life

The Late Bishop Paul Kalanda
Bishop Emeritus of Fort Portal

The Chairman
of the Uganda Episcopal Conference (UEC) and Archbishop of Gulu, Most Rev. John
Baptist Odama has described Bishop Paul Kalanda, the fallen Emeritus Bishop of
the Diocese of Fort Portal, as a “profoundly great man who was a mentor,
missionary and an icon of wisdom.”
Kalanda died in his sleep on the Tuesday morning 18th August at his
residence in Villa Maria Parish located in the Diocese of Masaka, Central Region
of Uganda.
“I received
with great sadness the news of the passing on of Bishop Kalanda. He was once
our Chairman at UEC, had abundant love for this nation and not just for the
church,” said Archbishop Odama. “He desired unity, peace and holistic
development of this country. We have lost one of the most influential,
courageous and great men that was still required in the transformation process
of our country.”
Born on
February 24, 1927 in Buwunde, Masaka Diocese to Mr. Simon Zilyawukanya Kalanda
and Mrs. Agnes Nakachwa, Bishop Kalanda had four siblings including three
brothers (all now deceased- RIP) and one sister.
In 1934 he
began his Catechism classes at Kabwoko Catholic Church located in the Diocese
of Masaka. Upon his completion of his catechism course, he joined St. Francis
Primary School and later went to Bukalasa Seminary in 1942 and Katigondo Major
Seminary in 1949.
It was after
his fifth year at Katigondo that he was offered a scholarship alongside his
longtime friend, His Eminence Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala, to pursue their studies
at Urbano University in Rome.
He was
ordained a priest on December 21, 1957 and thereafter continued with his
studies at the Jesuit-run Pontifical Gregorian University (Rome) where he
earned his Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Canon Law in 1961.
In November
1961 he returned to Uganda and was appointed lecturer at Katigondo Major
Seminary and later became Rector at the same seminary, making him the first
African to assume that office.
He also
obtained a diploma in African Social Anthropology at Oxford University in the
United Kingdom in 1967. He was one of the founders of the Catholic Higher
Institute of East Africa (CHIEA) currently known as the Catholic University of
East Africa (CUEA) in Nairobi, Kenya.
On November 29,
1980 he was appointed Bishop of Moroto Diocese located in Tororo Ecclesiastical
Province and was consecrated Bishop on March 22, 1981. He was later appointed
as Bishop of Fort Portal on April 28, 1991 and installed as the ordinary on
November 3, 1991 until his retirement on June 15, 2003. He served as the
Apostolic Administrator of Lira Diocese from December 2, 2003 until July 9,
Kalanda is being laid to rest on Friday 21st August, at Bukalasa
Seminary Cemetery in Masaka Diocese starting with a Funeral Mass at 10:00 a.m.
By Jacinta W. Odongo; Uganda Episcopal
Conference, Media Officer

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