ZAMBIA: Government commends Catholic Church’s Contribution to health care

of the Republic of Zambia has paid tribute to the Catholic Church for its
valuable contribution to the health and other social sectors aimed at improving
people’s living standards.
Speaking on
behalf of government, deputy Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services
Forrie Tembo expressed the sentiments during the commissioning of St Joseph’s
health center, a new health facility, built by the Sisters of Mercy of St
Charles Bromeo in Nyimba district in the diocese of Chipata in eastern Zambia.
“This is a
moment of great pride and joy for the people of this area who now have a health
facility within their reach,” Mr. Tembo said.
When fully
operational, the clinic will have a children’s wing and a casualty wing and
serve as a center for trainee nurses doing their internship. The center will
also provide pre- and post-natal services for the local community.
Mr. Tembo
said that the Catholic Church deserves commendation for building a house for a
priest to be based at St. Joseph’s health center in Nyimba district.
The priest
will spearhead the establishment of a skills training center for training young
people in various skills.
“This is
consistent with Government’s agenda to empower youths economically so that they
can contribute meaningfully to national development. Sisters of Mercy of St
Charles Bromeo also deserve commendation for spearheading the establishment of
a skills training center for training youths,” Mr. Tembo added.
Source: Mwenya Mukuka Communications Officer, Zambia Episcopal

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