KENYA: Church wants schools to use dialogue to end student unrest

Rt. Rev. Maurice Muhatia,
KCCB Commission for
Education and Religious
Education Chairman, and
Bishop of Nakuru

Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB)-Commission for Education and Religious
Education Chairman, Rt. Rev. Maurice Muhatia says Head teachers must address
growing school unrest by building humane school communities that encourage
interaction, positive relationships and open channels of communication.
Catholic Secondary School Principals on 11th August, 2015 at
Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) Nairobi, under the theme “Saving
the Youth from Destructive Behavior; A Catholic Schools Responsibility
Bishop Muhatia said heads of learning institutions must foster dialogue between
young learners and all education stakeholders.
He said this
is possible through holistic welfare activities programs, regular
teachers-students ‘barazas’, (round
table discussions), community outreach (social action) and protection of the
most vulnerable members of the school community.
schools are called to journey with our young people out of darkness in to the
light of risen Christ. Students look up to you for guidance so encourage them,
lead them on and share your fundamental humane religious values for them to
emulate,” He said
encouraged the school heads to instill the virtues of chastity and humility in
their students.
“For our
schools to be successful in fulfilling their mission they must instill within
the young people a life of virtue. Our young people need to acquire and master
many virtues in order to navigate well the perilous waters of life in the world
of today,” He said.
Rt. Rev.
Muhatia advised that, to effectively deal with the destructive behavior in
institutions, “We need God back in the classrooms and at the center of all our
operations. Catholic schools are charged with instilling in their students
morality and growth towards holiness,” He said.
Bishop Muhatia’s sentiments, during his presentation on the Catholic ‘DNA’
Kitui Bishop Anthony Muheria urged the Principals to understand the spirit of
Catholic education, to stamp the catholic identity by setting good examples for
the students to emulate, instill virtues of truthfulness, service, diligence,
chastity and decorum and to encourage a prayerful spirit since the Church is to
bring about salvation.
Source: Rose Achiego, Waumini Communications,

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