ETHIOPIA: Cardinal Berhaneyesus Calls on Christians to Practice Charity during Fasting Ahead of the Feast of Assumption

H.E. Berhaneyesus D. Cardinal Souraphiel,
Chairman of AMECEA and Metropolitant Archbishop of
Addis Ababa Ethiopia

The Chairman
of AMECEA and Metropolitan Archbishop of Addis Ababa, H.E. Berhaneyesus D.
Cardinal Souraphiel has called upon the Catholic Faithful in Ethiopia to
practice the acts of charity during the 15-day Fasting period ahead of the
Feast of Assumption.
According to
the Ethiopian Liturgical Calendar the 15 days Fasting Period this year is being
observed from August 7th to 21st, 2015 before the feast
of the Assumption of Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mary and is an important time
for the spiritual renewal of the faithful throughout the nation.
In his
message to the faithful for the occasion of the fast days Cardinal Berhaneyesus
said, “Charity and giving love to the needy and the vulnerable should be our
religious responsibility, this fasting period is a good time to practice charity
and make it part of our life.”
“Our Lady
the Blessed Virgin Mary was the first to visit her Cousin St. Elizabeth in her
house to offer her support when she heard the news of St. Elizabeth’s conception,
she also understood the need of the host at Cana wedding and interceded to her
Son on their behalf, she is our model of Charity and kindness to others and we
must follow her footsteps,” he added.
Berhaneyesus also asked all Christians to love one another and also love and
respect followers of other religions. “This is a time for all Christians to
renew and strengthen their spirituality by loving one another and also striving
for peace and mutual existence with brothers and sisters of other religions,” He
He also called
on the youth in Ethiopia to stand united against illegal migration and human
trafficking. “Let this be a time we decide to engage ourselves in various
sectors of work in our own country. I ask the youth to participate on the
ongoing development efforts of Ethiopia and earn to change your life and also
contribute to the integral growth of your country,” he said.
recommended the faithful to pray for the rain, as it is the main rainy season
in Ethiopia, that the Lord may send rain wherever it is needed for sowing
Finally he
wished all the faithful a blessed season of preparation for the solemnity of
Our Lady of the Assumption.
Source: Makeda Yohannes, CBCE Communications and Public Relation

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