MALAWI: ECM Urges Government to Speed up the Enactment Climate Policy

Most Rev Thomas Msusa, 
ECM Chairman addressing guests
 during the launch of Pope Francis 
Encyclical Laudato Si 

The Chairman for the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) Most Rev. Thomas Msusa
has asked Malawi Government to speed up the process of enacting all policies
that addresses the climate change mitigation.
Archbishop Msusa
made the remarks on 4th August Tuesday night in Lilongwe during the
launch of Pope Francis Encyclical ‘Laudato Si’ which calls the world to
protect and preserve the environment.
“Surely in
Malawi we are affected seriously by climate change,” said the Archbishop of
Blantyre when he mentioned as an example the recent floods and drought which
hit most parts of the country as a vivid sign that climate issues needs serious
He said that
by speeding up the enactment of the climate policy, the government will be
demonstrating its commitment to the welfare of citizens of Malawi especially
the poor.
“We are
agro-based economy therefore we would like to invite political leaders,
government and religious leaders and everyone to have an advocacy on these
policies that government should speed up enactment of Agriculture policy and
Climate policy,” he said adding that this will help people to have proper
direction on taking care of environment.
to the call, Minister of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining, Hon. Bright
Msaka who was at the launch as a guest of honor said Government is making huge
progress on process of enactment of legislations that are deals with climate
change mitigation and adaptation.
The minister
said that the government is leaving nothing undone to ensure that it address
the effects of climate change, mitigate and adapt.
“There are
many pieces of legislation that are already addressing the issue of
environment. We have Forest Act which is in existence and that will be amended soon;
we have Forest Policy that is under process now and is before cabinet and it
was last week discussed by the Cabinet Committee responsible for these matters
and was passed,” he explained.
the Climate Change Management Policy was discussed by the Committee of Cabinet
and the Committee referred the document to Cabinet.”
He then
assured that the Passage of Climate Change Policy by Cabinet will be in matter
of weeks when cabinet meets and discuss about it.
By Prince Henderson, Communications Officer

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