ETHIOPIA: ‘CBCE Supports the Green Economy Initiative of the Government’ –Cardinal Berhaneyesus

HE Cardinal Berhaneyesus
President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Ethiopia (CBCE), H.E. Berhaneyesus
D. Cardinal Souraphiel has called on the people of Ethiopia to care for the
environment as the Catholic Church supports the green economy initiatives which
the country is striving to implement.
Speaking at
the occasion of planting a tree at the Entoto Natural Park in Addis Ababa;  in memory of the CBCE Golden Jubilee celebrations
that took place on July 24 – 26, 2015, Cardinal Berhaneyesus said “We must not
only plant trees on special occasions but we must be sure that we take care of
them as well for their wellbeing.”
During the
celebration day the Thanks Giving Mass led by the Archbishop of Addis Ababa,
H.E Cardinal Berhaneyesus was held at St. Gabriel’s Parish as the day also
coincided with the annual feast of Archangel Gabriel in Ethiopian Liturgical
In his the
homily, Cardinal Berhaneyesus, said that the occasion of celebrating the Golden
Jubilee of CBCE has given the Bishops the opportunity to reflect on their past
achievements and plan for better success in the future.
“We have had
time to evaluate all the achievements and the gaps of the last 50 years, I
think this has created for us the opportunity to draw a clear picture on how we
can build on our achievements and also improve the gaps witnessed so far,” he said.
He also
recalled on the prayer prepared on the occasion of the CBCE Golden Jubilee and
thanked all the faithful for reciting the prayer throughout the year. “All the
Bishops need your prayers, so I ask you to continue praying for us so that we
may be able to continue with our ministry in the service of the Church,” he said.
H.E. Dr.
Girma Woldeghiorgis, former President of the Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia, asked the Bishops of Ethiopia to work hard towards reconciliation
between the sisterly countries Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Leaders from different religions in Ethiopia also congratulated the CBCE for
all their achievements during the past 50 years. A book on the 50 years journey
of the CBCE and a Compendium of the Pastoral Letters of the CBCE prepared for
the occasion was also launched.
Source: Makeda Yohannes, CBCE Communications and Public Relation

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