ZAMBIA: The Church Refuses to Meddle in Partisan Politics

Rev. Fr. Cleophas Lungu, 
ZEC Secretary General

The Zambia
Episcopal Conference (ZEC) has maintained that the Church does not want to
meddle into partisan politics.
ZEC Secretary
General, Father Cleophas Lungu, has, however, noted that one of the greatest
contributions to the Zambian society in the past fifty years has been the
prophetic and uncompromising pastoral letters issued by the Church in order to
provide a voice of reason that calls a nation to order.
during the Caritas-Zambia media day in Lusaka, Fr. Lungu also noted that the
Church will always endeavor to come to the aid of those who are living in
abject poverty and are vulnerable through its works of mercy and charitable
reference to the early church, which he said was driven by missionaries and
concentrated its energies on helping the poor through handouts, Fr. Lungu, said
that as the missionaries have become fewer; the resources of the Church have
also dwindled adding that charitable actions alone are not changing the
Fr. Lungu
explained that it is with such a background which forced the Church to start
asking difficult questions such as, why, in spite of the charitable efforts by
the Church, the plight of the poor was not changing.
He said that
this led the Bishops to question some of the policies the different governments
have been implementing, the negative attitudes in the Zambian society and
eventually, the Church began to study more about the economic systems at play,
the political processes, and the national budgets and the Church was well on
the path to advocacy.
Father Lungu has said “the major contributions by the Catholic Church in Zambia
have been in area of advocacy for good governance.”
Participants of Caritas Zambia Media Day Symposium
He has further
said that the Zambia Episcopal Conference strongly believe that merely scoring
positive economic indicators is not what matters, but what matters is when such
indicators are translated into better life for people who have a God given
right to safe and clean water, good shelter, nutritious food as well as quality
and affordable education and health services.
ZEC says the
common denominator and mutual rallying point between the Church and the State
is that both are concerned about the well-being of God’s people, the Zambians.
Secretary General said that the Church will always endeavor to be the voice of
the voiceless. He indicated that the Catholic Church in Zambia has acquitted
itself reasonably well without being complacent.
–Zambia Media Day was held on Thursday 9th July, 2015 at Kapingila house in
Lusaka under the theme ZEC: “Promoting Integral Development, Justice
and Peace in Zambia.”
Source: Mwenya Mukuka ZEC Communications

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