UGANDA: Ugandan President commends Archbishop Bakyenga for Promoting Unity and Development

Archbishop Bakyenga welcoming
 President Yoweri Museveni
during the Occasion of his
 Episcopate Silver Jubilee 
Celebrations in Mbarara

Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has commended Archbishop Paul K. Bakyenga of Mbarara
Archdiocese for promoting unity and development among the people. The President
was the Chief Guest at Archbishop Bakyenga’s Episcopal Silver Jubilee
celebration on 20th June 2015 at Nyamitanga Cathedral in Mbarara.
Museveni gave a gift of ten cows to Archbishop Bakyenga and announced donation
of 80 million (USD 24,000) towards construction of a multibillion shopping Mall
at Nyamitanga for the Archdiocese of Mbarara in commemoration of Archbishop
Bakyenga’ 25 years of service as a Bishop. It will be called Archbishop
Bakyenga Shopping Mall.
President said that in his service, Archbishop Bakyenga has worked towards development
and prosperity of the Church and his people in other fields like health and
education. He has embraced religious tolerance, resisted religious sectarianism
and diffused religious rivalries that characterized the region in post-independence
He further
said that by preaching unity and religious tolerance, Archbishop Bakyenga and
his contemporaries were fulfilling God’s cardinal commandment of “love God with
all your heart and love your neighbor as you love yourself”.
He appealed
to the new generation of religious leaders to emulate that example. President
Museveni further hailed Archbishop Bakyenga and the Catholic Church in general
for being development oriented, citing the contributions of the Catholic Church
in the education and health sectors and taking care of orphans and
disadvantaged people in society.
On his part
Archbishop Bakyenga hailed the support President Museveni and the Government
has given him and the Catholic Church in Uganda. This has eased their service
to the people and uplifted the image of the Catholic Church regionally and
The function
was attended by thousands of people among whom were; several Cabinet Ministers,
Members of Parliament, Religious Leaders of all religious denominations from
Uganda and the region.
By Sr. Mary Germina Keneema,
Diocesan Executive Secretary for Social Communication Archdiocese of Mbarara

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